
♡In the end, 100% “That’s what I think

LoveSync Attraction" applies the principle of "so you think, so it becomes" from the subconscious to romance and shares various techniques and methods to help you achieve a loving and romantic relationship with your partner.

The video titled "In the End, It's 100% Your Decision♡" has received a significant response, so I decided to share it thoroughly on the blog as well. (*The video is embedded at the end of this article.)

When it comes to the subconscious mind, people often mistakenly believe that it only applies to achieving significant desires.


However, that's not the case. So, let me reiterate this once again here, even though I might sound repetitive:

The law of the subconscious mind is "You become what you think." When we apply this to love, it becomes "I become deeply in love with him, so I will be deeply in love with him.

Well, this only applies to love! Not that, but
I wanted to drink water → I drank it
I wanted to eat rice → I ate it
I wanted to go to the movie → I went
It's like, of course, it can be applied to anything.

The same goes for getting back together, the basics are just ``I think so.''
In other words, I'm saying that if you decide on a ``thought'' such as ``I want to be happy and lovey-dovey with my boyfriend,'' that will happen.

When you start thinking, "Reality isn't changing!" and begin mobilizing your anxiety

Thinking, "I want to drink water," doesn't necessarily mean it will happen just because you've thought it.

Reality doesn’t change at all…

When this happens, I start mobilizing all my worries.

Deciding what to think, it's invisible, but how can I be sure I've really decided?" "Am I doing it the right way?"

"What if it's not right?"

"If it's not right, these past few months will have been a waste!"

"I need to check with someone if I'm on the right track or not!

At this point, even if Meguru were to say, "You're doing it right," and you were to feel relieved, what would happen one month later?

Reality isn't moving! ! !

What do you think at this time? ?

Seriously, what do you think? Honestly.

That Meguru guy, he's a liar!" "So, does that mean I didn't make the right decision?" "Was my approach wrong?

Well, I can think of many things, but what flows at the root of these things is,

It hasn't come true! ! ! ! (screaming)

Isn't that right?

Meguru said, "It's correct." You felt relieved and said, "That's good." But one month later, you screamed, "It's not correct at all! Because it hasn't come true!!!"


It's here! (screaming)

In the end, you concluded, "I haven't achieved it!!!" In the end, only you can definitively say, "I haven't achieved it!!!"

In the end, is it "I haven't achieved it!!!" or "I have achieved it after all!!!"?

In the end, it all comes down to how you perceive yourself. Blaming others or external circumstances is fine, but ultimately, it's your own judgment that matters.

You're the only one passing judgment.

At times, you might find yourself criticizing and becoming "I'm not doing well after all" without realizing it because a friend said something or your partner said something that made you feel that way.

But this can also be applied to the opposite perspective, right?

If I had become, “In the end, it didn’t come true for me!!”
It's okay to feel like, ``In the end, I'm making it happen!''

I often hear stories about feeling like giving up in reality, but at such times, no matter how much your ego makes noise,

I'll end with "In the end, it's coming true for me!!

Even if a fortune teller tells you that things won't go well if you can do this,

You can ultimately say, "It's fine because it's working out," and even if your parents or friends say, "It's pointless to cling to someone who's not that special," you can still say, "It's fine because it's working out," right?

What if I can't stay as "the me that has it all worked out" in the end?

When you can't continue being "the me that has it all worked out" in the end, based on what I've observed in your tendencies, it's usually when "reality doesn't seem to change no matter how much time passes."

At first, it's fine, right? You might think, "Oh, this is so easygoing."

But gradually, doubts and ego start creeping in, making you wonder if it's actually different, right? Well, that's when it gets interesting, haha.

However, the moment you start doubting, instead of the "so think, so it shall be" principle, it becomes more like "observing it becoming so and then thinking so," and this can lead to a swap from "the me that has it all" to "the me that doesn't."

So, it's essential not to focus too much on reality, but rather, place your emphasis on your "thoughts." I keep repeating this because it's crucial!

And when things get confusing and you're like, "I don't get it!" – in those moments, just go for the easier, lighter option. Always choose the lighter path.

So, when in doubt, focus on what feels lighter, not what makes sense. Try keeping this in mind.

Click here for a video of the final decision being 100% made by you.


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The main points of the video are also written in the description, so please check it out.

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