
Is it painful to hear about other people’s reconciliation stories?

In LoveSync Attraction, we receive many reports of reconciliations, and for those that we believe could be helpful to everyone, we create reconciliation report videos and upload them. However, we've heard some voices saying, "When I hear these reports, I start feeling anxious comparing myself to them." How about you all?

You can't be happy about other people's amazing results! ?

When I was little, Iruru was very competitive and couldn't be happy for others' great achievements.

That kid can do that and I can't! ! So frustrating! !

I often regretted that like this (lol).

I used to be the type who constantly compared myself to others and would get fired up through these comparisons. When someone achieved something through their hard work,

I want that result too! It's frustrating that it was taken first!

That thought first came to mind, and I couldn't say "Congratulations!" from the bottom of my heart.

I would like to congratulate you, but I felt regret and impatience first.

If it's something I'm not interested in or don't particularly care about, I can be happy and celebrate as much as I want, but when it comes to genres that I'm particular about, I just can't honestly celebrate the success of others.

Even as an adult, I was aware of my strong jealousy, and it was painful to realize that I was a person with a bad personality.

I tried expressing my thoughts openly and honestly.

That all changed when my love life didn't go well and I had just broken up with my boyfriend.

When I told a good friend about it, it turned out that she had a really nice boyfriend.

At that time, I was really jealous,

◯◯-chan has a wonderful boyfriend, and I'm jealous of her. Congratulations.

I said that.

Until then, I wanted to be happy for my friends when things went well for them, but the jealousy in my heart wouldn't go away, and it was painful.

However, when I realized that it was just because I was jealous of that person, the feelings of anxiety and heavy jealousy suddenly disappeared.

And then, only the honest feeling, "Wow, I'm jealous! Congratulations!" remained in my heart, without any heaviness.

I was comparing myself to the version of me that wasn't doing well and blaming myself.

What I realized at that time was that when I saw someone in front of me who was doing well, my ego automatically started comparing me to myself who wasn't doing well, and that ego was blaming myself. did.

Why is that person doing so well in such a short period, while I'm not? Why can't I do it?

We're supposed to be doing the same thing! How long will I keep repeating this? Will I never succeed in my life?

And the ego keeps coming out, blaming myself more and more. This was quite tough. It was so tough that during this period, I unconsciously distanced myself from people who were doing well.

As a result, I ended up only hearing and seeing negative things, and the presence of happy people around me diminished. I now realize that I was contributing to making myself even less successful at that time.

The more you want something to go well, the more the ego comes into play!

There may be many reasons why you can't face what others have done well, but I think about 90% of them are because your ego is out of control, like mine.

I can understand the feeling of being impatient if someone else achieves what you want to do well, but impatience is also a sign of ego, so I recommend you ignore it!

The more you want things to go well, the more powerful your ego becomes.
If you feel that your ego is strong and painful when you hear the news of their reunion, I think it means that you love him that much.

If you're going to be covered in ego anyway,

If there are so many happy people around, maybe I'll become even happier!
When I see others doing well and seeing results that are going well, it means that I am doing well too!

It might be a good idea to change your ego to something like that.

Please cherish yourself for being able to love him that much, and thenkeep being the person you want to be, keeping the reality in moderation!

Recommended Books for Those Struggling with Their Own Jealousy! women's relationships

It is carefully written about relationships between women only.

I also write about jealousy, so maybe some people will find it helpful?

How to Instantly Eliminate Envy and Inferiority Complex That You Can't Get Rid Of

Just like ego, I think jealousy can also disappear by realizing that ``this is jealousy.''
The illustrations here are cute and easy to understand, so I highly recommend them.


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