
Are you being true to your own feelings?

Hello, I'm Iruru.

As I read the consultations I receive from LoveSync Attraction,

I have recently been wondering if there are times when I am unable to be honest about your feelings due to various emotions such as your own pride, reservations or anxiety towards others. .

While answering various questions, I remembered this video.

Although it's a video from a little while ago, the one titled "Honest People Have a Direct Line to Manifestation!" In this video, we discuss how honest individuals, because they are honest with their feelings, can let go of their egos, and as a result, their desires manifest more quickly (though it's also possible for desires to manifest even if you're not completely honest!).

Aren't you honest with your thoughts?

For example, at the beginning of your consultation letter, you wrote, 'I want to get back together,'' but while you were writing about various consultations, you became filled with dissatisfaction with him and anxiety after getting back together. In the end, he is the kind of person who writes, ``I want a happy relationship, even if it's with someone else.''

The subconscious mind says, ``Because I think so, it will happen''. If we apply this to love, it would be, ``I think I'm in love with him, so I'm in love with him.''

In LoveSync Attraction, I always say that you should set your ``thoughts'' to be ``lovey-dovey with him,'' but even though you write ``I want to get back together,'' you also write ``I want a happy relationship, even if it's with someone else.'' If this is the case, your ``thoughts'' may not be set in stone.

However, I have recently come to think that there are a certain number of people who cannot be honest with others.

There may be some people who have stopped themselves from thinking, or from their honest desire to do something.

In the example of the email you mentioned earlier, I think people who are not honest about their feelings go through a process like this. (The following is adapted from an actual consultation).

  • I want to reconcile.
  • But he cheated! It's awful! Unforgivable!
  • Can I really be happy if I reconcile with him after he cheated? Is it even possible?
  • But I still love him.
  • But when I think about his cheating, it fills me with anger.
  • Maybe I should be with someone else.
  • But if he starts dating someone else, I might regret not trying harder.
  • When I think of the good memories with him, I still love him and want to be with him.
  • But is it okay to forgive him for cheating? What if he does it again?
  • If he begs for reconciliation, maybe I should consider it.
  • Do I really want to reconcile? Is someone else better for me?
  • Even when I look at other people, I keep thinking about him.
  • Do I really want to reconcile with him?
  • But I can't forgive him...

If you can't be honest, it's hard to see your true feelings.

When you read this, you don't really know whether this person wants to get back together or not.

I think there are multiple factors such as not being able to decide one's thoughts and having one's ego come out, but if you look at it from the perspective of not being honest with one's thoughts,

I really want to get back together, but things from my past that I didn't like, such as him cheating on me, are getting in the way, so I can't stay true to my feelings of being in love with him.

What do you want to value?

When it comes to being honest with your feelings, it's a simple concept: just stay true to your feelings. However, if you find it challenging to do so, I encourage you to reflect on what truly matters to you.

In the example we discussed earlier, if you've been hurt by a past event like your partner cheating on you and you're unable to forgive, it's about considering which of these conflicting emotions you want to prioritize. It's about weighing the anger and resentment against your love for him.

If anger and resentment are dominating your emotions, it might be a good idea to acknowledge and release those feelings of "unforgiveness."

During this time, you can focus on self-care and nurturing yourself. Later, if you find yourself thinking, "I still love him!" you can then reaffirm the thought of being "deeply in love with him."

The key is being true to your own feelings. Once you understand what truly matters to you, it might become easier to be honest with your thoughts and feelings.

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