
Because you think, it becomes so! Getting back together is a piece of cake!

Welcome to LoveSync Attraction!

To Everyone Who Wants to Achieve Love❤
Unlocking Unrequited Love Through Your Subconscious Mind - Now Available and Highly Acclaimed!

May as many hearts as possible find love, and may as many people as possible continue to live life happily and joyfully. With these wishes in mind!

I'm Meguru from 'LoveSync Attraction,' where we share insights about achieving love through the power of your subconscious mind. Our primary focus is on rekindling love, especially in the realm of romantic relationships.

Since around January 2020, we have been providing free content through YouTube and our blog, and we have answered over 1500 subconscious-related love advice questions.


★LoveSync Attraction

May a flood of joyful reconciliation stories come pouring in!

We were surprisingly ourselves, it's amazing how people who watched our videos and read our blog have started to reconcile in droves.

Starting with the motto 「Reconciliation is Piece of cake!!」and seeing it come true is quite something.

It's not only fulfilling but also remarkable to receive reports of successful reconciliations and new romantic connections,making us think, "What a powerful approach!

The reason is clear: despite spending millions on paid seminars, consultations, and readings, some people have found success on their own through LoveSync Attraction's free videos and blog content. The reason is evident, and it's because I think…

It's because we have been consistently conveying one ultimate, incredibly simple rule.

That rule is the one we have been unwaveringly emphasizing since the beginning of our information-sharing journey (in fact, it's the only thing we say).

「It becomes true because you believe so.」

I, Meguru, believed that in the process of acquiring knowledge about the subconscious mind and the law of attraction, it's easy to lose sight of where the truth lies.

Suddenly, you find yourself overwhelmed by the flood of information, feeling like you need to do everything, and ultimately becoming a 'spiritual junkie,' lost and confused.

The truth lies only in simplicity. That's why, when it comes to sharing my own insights, I've always believed in using 「simple keywords thateveryone can understand as the foundation of my message.

Truth resides in simplicity. That's why, if I were to communicate, I would alwaysfocus on conveying my message by using  simple keywords that everyone can understand as the cornerstone.

That's'because you blieve so, it becomes so.'
I interpret this as something akin to the sole law in achieving desires through the subconscious mind.

Whether you're someone who wants to rekindle a past relationship, currently nurturing a one-sided crush, infatuated with a celebrity, navigating a complicated situation, or in a relationship that's not going as smoothly as you'd like...


No matter what kind of love,「Because you blieve so, it becomes so」 applies equally to all.

Let me tell you more about this!

“I think so.” the future creation with him begins now from this.

「Because you blieve so, it becomes so」

Exactly as it sounds,「If you think, that would be as you think.

In other words,

"Thoughts lead the way (that's what you believe).

Reality follows (that's what it becomes).

That's it.

You know, in short, that you think becomes reflected in reality.

When you think, 'We're a definitely sweet couple, and then, you become truly a sweet couple.

If you want to achieve love through your subconscious mind, it's all about the 'thinking so,' in other words...the crucial part is deciding the 'thought' of being a sweet couple with him.'

Why is it crucial to decide on the 'thought' of being a sweet couple with him'?

This becomes clear when you think about the meaning hidden in 'thinking so.'

In the first place, who is the one 'thinking so'? — Of course, it's 'yourself,' right?

You think it. You are the one who thinks it, first and foremost.

This is an incredibly important concept. Because...

Without thinking it, nothing begins.

Without thinking it, nothing is created.

On the flip side, when you begin something, when you create something,

First and foremost, it becomes clear that 'if you don't think it yourself,' nothing can happen. You must first 'think of yourself as deeply in love with him' to truly be a sweet couple with him.

Therefore, deciding on the 'thought' is of utmost importance.
And in fact, when it comes to achieving desires through the subconscious mind, there is nothing else to do except deciding on the 'thought'.

By the way, the idea of 'you think it yourself' also connects to the concept of 'you create your own world.' Creation doesn't begin without 'your thoughts.'

That means that each one of us creates our own unique world by 'thinking.

Does it sound grandiose? But I truly believe that 'I am the creator of my world' is indeed the truth.

The key to deciding on the 'thought' of being deeply in love with him consists of two factors:

First, you think it.

You, yourself, think it.

And then, what should you think? Are there any tips for deciding on the 'thought'?

Yes, there are two key tips.

1 Your 'thought' is the same as your 'being.
2 Your 'thought' can be decided regardless of the past, present, or future.

I'll explain from the scrratch.

1 Your 'thought' is the same as your 'being.

Please consider that 'thought' is similar to 'being' or 'existence.

The term 'being' might sound complex, but...

If you were already living your life successfully, how would you want to continue living it with him?

I think that you had better think about this part.

I am happily married to him, living a life filled with love and respect, where we both feel secure and content every day.

I know that each one has different situations of thoughts, but I'd like you to set on the consciousness of the self that is already thriving.

For someone who wants to rekindle a past relationship, it's normal to think, 'I want to reconcile with him.' That's why some people say, I've decided to think that I want to reconcile with him.' But wait, there's more to it.

Can you really say 'Because I want to reconcile with him' as if it's 'the self that's already thriving'?

I bet you can't.

Saying 'I want to reconcile with him' implies that 'you haven't reconciled yet,' so it contradicts the idea of 'the self that's already thriving.'

Do you understand that 'the self who wants to reconcile in the future' and 'the self that's already thriving' are completely opposite vectors?

So, instead of the direction of 'wanting to reconcile,' set your 'thought' in the direction of 'already being deeply in love and happy with him.

And then, one more thing.

2. Your 'thought' can be decided regardless of the past, present, or future.

When you set your thought, make sure that you can decide your 'thought' independently of past experiences with him, the present circumstances, and future uncertainties.

"Even though I want to decide on the 'thought' of being deeply in love with him, there were terrible arguments when we parted ways in the past... Even though I want to decide on the 'thought' of being deeply in love with him, he's gone silent on me, and to top it off, he's even got a new girlfriend... Even though I want to decide on the 'thought' of being deeply in love with him, what if, by some chance, we reconcile but things don't work out again in the future?"

We often have the habit of thinking while entangling past experiences, present circumstances, and future concerns, which can lead us to hesitate in deciding on the 'thought' or set the 'thought' within limitations.

But, it doesn't have to be that way.

The thought is to think yourself.

It's what you can decide freely, without being trapped by the past, present, and even without being confined by the opinions of family, friends, colleagues, or society at large.

Given all of the above, now all you need to do is decide on your own 'thought.' Words that resonate with you, like 'I am deeply loved by him' rather than 'I am deeply in love with him,' are something only you can truly understand.

Gather words that suit you and think about how you'd like to live with him with the feeling of 'I am already thriving.

After you've decided on your 'thought,' live your life as usual.

What are you supposed to do after deciding thought such as me who is a sweet couple with him?

Just live normally.
It might be anticlimactic, but that's how it works."

All you have to do is decide on your 'thought.' That's it.

However, the definition of 'living life as usual' can vary greatly from person to person. In the context of 'LoveSync Attraction,' living life as usual means that includes paying attention to yourself.

Until now, it's been all about him, him, him. I've centered my love life around him, and even after the breakup, I keep thinking about him all the time. And most of those thoughts have been negative. I've endlessly pondered why he went silent on me and why he found a new girlfriend, conducting never-ending analyses with no answers.

For people with such a tendency, since you're already broken up, take a break from thinking about him for now.

It's time to focus on yourself, yourself, yourself.
Be conscious of paying  more attention toward yourself.

Focusing on yourself means asking yourself what you want to eat, where you want to go, and what you want to do. It means doing things within your daily life that align with your desires. That's more than enough. Listen to your own voice in the everyday little things.

Three reconciliation success stories reveal the power of mindset transformation.

In fact, almost all of the people who report getting back together say that their mindset has changed significantly between before and after getting back together.

One of the major factors is

I believe that the shift from focusing on him, him, him, to focusing on yourself, yourself, yourself is the key.

What happens when you become conscious of yourself, yourself, yourself?

You will be able to focus on yourself.

And then,You learn what is 'I think' as a sense.

You will be able to realize that ``what you think may just be the way the world is.'

As a result, you can realize that you create only your world.

This is  the same thing as realizing that you thought you were a weak person who was being manipulated by others, but in reality, you were the one with the power.
It brings about such a huge change that it can truly be called a revolution in consciousness. I realize this by seeing the "transformation" of many of my clients.

At LoveSync Attraction, we have received many reports of reunions.

Some of them are also uploaded for free on YouTube as ``report videos.'
Here we will introduce three of them.

By focusing on myself, I somehow started getting along better with him.
There are so many people like that.

◆Congratulations! Awareness change revealed from the reunion report

M has been filled with anxiety and doubts ever since she started dating the boyfriend she had been living with for three years.

Apparently, she used to get anxious when she went to drinking parties.

After the breakup, I was in a situation where I was rejected no matter what.
However, I realized that even the unpleasant reality is a world that I have created, and that only what I perceive is expanding.

And I think. ``If nothing changes no matter what I do, I'll just become an idiot!'

Even when she thought, ``It's painful,'' she kept repeating in her head, ``Do you love me?'

Now that we've gotten back together, I'm thinking of a video by  M that says, ``You should value yourself more than him.'' It's packed with contents!

◆Reunion & proposal report ♡ 10 months since we broke up! Realizing that my “happy self” is the base and realizing my dreams

A got back together and proposed all at once.

When we're dating, I just go with his schedule.

So after we broke up, it was so ``severe'' that I didn't even know what I liked.

However, just as I was starting to feel the happiness that comes from focusing on myself and fulfilling myself, we got back together!

It is also worth paying attention to the process by which she stopped holding back on her ``thoughts'' of being ``his beloved wife.'

◆Even though he said, "I don't want to see you again," the past has changed and they are back together!

After M broke up with her boyfriend, she desperately wanted to be with him, so they had a convenient relationship, and they started losing touch with each other.

But,「Reality is fiction. If you make up your mind and live what you have decided to be true, reality will no longer matter to you.」is support her.

If you decide on a ``thought'' and there is something that blocks it, then it is reality.

Even if you decide that you are in love with him, in reality he is cold...

When you think that way, when you are really curious about things in reality,
M has completely forgiven himself.

When we got back together, he said, ``I don't want to see you again,''and ``I have no intention of starting over,'' and I should have broken up with him, but he said, ``We couldn't break up!

The past has changed.
Now I'm enjoying my lovey-dovey days❤

Decide on your “thoughts”. Once you decide, it will come true 100%

It's a long story, but what I consistently say in LoveSync Attraction is

Because you think, it becomes so.

As I mentioned earlier, there are some tricks to how to decide your thoughts, but this is all you need to do.

If that's the case, you'll definitely have doubts like…

Will it come true just by thinking about it?

The answer is Yes!

Because you think yourself and your thought is absolute.

“I think so.”
As soon as you think about it, it will be completed within you.
Because that's what I thought.
In other words, it can be interpreted as ``I thought it = it came true.''
What is completed within oneself will eventually seep out into the scenery called reality.
“What I think” is the starting point and the ending point.

No, I didn't want to break up with him in the first place, but I broke up with him.

It didn't turn out the way I expected at all.

Althought many people think this, it' s because just that you can say that you  thought it wasn't going to work out with him, so the world that seemed like it wasn't going to work out just expanded.

You think.
And then, your thought is just as you think.

There is no exception.

Furthermore, you can freely decide your thoughts without worrying about the past, current situation, or future.

If you think so, don't you think that until now and from now on I created my own world, and I can create it.?

If you had gotten along well with him, how would your life be?

I wonder if we respect each other.
I want to be friends for decades to come.
Above all, I want to laugh with each other.

All things will come true.
It will come true 100%.
(Strictly speaking, you are just looking at the world that has already been prepared for you.)

Why does it come true?

Because you thought.
Nothing more, nothing less.

So now,the person who broke up with him and is the most depressed person in his history,
Someone who is having a hard time hearing from his boyfriend,
The one who said he never wanted to see him again,
For those of you who think it's impossible because he's an expensive flower, don't worry!

No matter what kind of person it is, or what kind of love it is, everything is ``because I think so, so it becomes that way''.

Getting back together is a piece of cake.

Please experience it through Len's YouTube and blog in LoveSync Attraction❤


When you become super in love with him, that happy energy will gradually spread throughout Japan and the world.
If the number of such people increased even by just one group, the world would become a warmer and kinder place.
Praise♡Len believes in the incredible power of each person.


Love yourself❤

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