
My thoughts are spinning…Let’s enjoy the moment.

Hello. This is Iruru.

I'm in a relationship right now, and I feel like things aren't going as I expected, and I'm thinking that maybe my subconscious will somehow help me.

When you somehow finally reach your subconscious mind,In the “reality” that I see “now”

"Reconciliation is not going well."
"The person I love won't look back at me"

I think there are many people who feel this way.

I think there are many times when you feel like you're not having fun or are having a hard time right now.

Of course not, I'm excited and happy and utilize my subconscious mind! It's totally OK if you can do it!

But when I looked back on myself...

Immediately after I couldn't do anything about it and reached my subconscious, I was in the middle of a really painful situation.

Are you happy now?

As I reiterate at LoveSync Attraction, the subconscious mind only says, ``Because I think so, it will happen.''

Even if you feel like things aren't going well, it's only because you think so.


It doesn't seem like ``the reality unfolding before my eyes'' and ``my thoughts'' match.

I think there are many people who are struggling to do something about it.

What I would like to ask such people.

And what I would like to ask my past self as well. It means "Are you having fun now?"

When I'm having a tough time, I think sometimes I'm neglecting my current feelings.

Even though I'm sad, I put a lid on it and force myself to believe that I'm happy.

For example, in the case of Iruru,

Even if I think, ``Right now, I feel like my boyfriend is neglecting me, which makes me sad.''

"No, but he told me the other day that he'd like to stay with me even when he's 80!"
“When we were together at a nice bar the other day, he said he wanted to come back for our wedding anniversary!”
“I can’t help it because you say you’re busy with work right now, but I’m sure we’ll be able to have a lot of fun dates once you get over the top!”
``Right now, I can't travel much due to work, but he said let's go abroad together again!''


In reality, I have a lot of anxiety and dissatisfaction, but I put a lid on it and try not to see myself suffering right now...

I forced myself to imagine a ``happy past and future.''

“I’m in pain now.”
"But someday you'll be happy."

If you keep thinking that, it will come true.

In short,

I keep thinking that I will be happy someday. You can't be happy forever.

It's horrable!

Let's be happy right now!

However, I think there are many people who decide that they will be happy someday, so they will be happy eventually!
Iruru was like that. I think this is a very long shot.

So what should I do? It's very simple.

It means deciding to be happy right now and feeling the happiness that is right now.

If you feel sad, don't ignore it, be good to yourself and enjoy the sadness.

Even though I love my boyfriend and feel sad because I can't contact him,

When I'm hungry, I eat delicious food.
Have fun talking with your favorite friends.
Watch your favorite movies and enjoy them.

I'm sure there are lots of little bits of happiness rolling around every day.

Decide to be happy “now” and start being happy “now”.

And, If you want to be in love, decide to be in love now, not just someday.

Reality is an illusion, so you don't have to worry about what kind of reality you see around you right now...

I'm sure some people are concerned about this, so I'd like to start by finding happiness in those things around me.

It's okay to cry if you're in pain, it's okay to tell someone about your confused feelings, but once you feel refreshed,Decide that you want to be in love from now on, and start being that person from now on.

Only you can decide whether you are happy or not.

``I won't go back to my confused self'' may seem simple, but it actually takes a lot of determination at first! I want to go back soon.

But, only you can decide whether or not you will be happy.

Don't entrust your ``being happy'' to anyone else but yourself. And don't leave it to your past or future self.

Just look at how you feel and what you are right now, and try to enjoy the happiness you have one by one.

If you're still feeling confused, check out this video!


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