
[Series: Questions from Everyone Part 2] I’m not sure if this is okay.

Hello. This is Iruru. happy new year!

Let's make you even happier this year! Now, let's talk about this issue right away.

(The content of the question has been changed as appropriate to the extent that individuals are not identified)

I'm not sure if it's okay to stay like this.


``I want to get back together with him, but he has a girlfriend now.
She was able to go on a date the other day, but she was told to ``find another man.''
She thought she was ignoring the reality, but she ended up feeling depressed.
Should I continue to believe that things will come true? I'm not sure if it will work properly. ”

Make it come true with your subconscious mind

I was able to go on a date with the guy I wanted to get back together with! I'm so happy!

However, she said, ``Find another man.'' This will dent you.

I think some people feel depressed or anxious and want to take some measures.

If you are trying to make it come true subconsciously, I would like you to skip this part and believe in yourself that you can get back together.

And to begin with, as a premise, Home♡Ren talks from the perspective of ``successful love through the subconscious.''

Then, if you subconsciously decide to make it come true, "if you think so, it will happen."

I want you to decide what you want to be and be the person you want to be.

Even though I am told that I am the person I have come true to be, I have not yet come true! Some people may think so,

First, try to become the person you want to become in your own head. Try to pretend that it has come true.

I want you to try to become the version of yourself that has come true.

For example, you can drink coffee because you have realized in your head that you want to drink coffee.

In the same way, I would like you to start by trying to visualize yourself getting back together and being in love with him in your head.

Rather than setting the goal of getting back together, I think if you have an idea of what you want to happen in the future, you will be able to achieve your goals more quickly, so please think about what you want to happen.

Also, only your subconscious mind knows how to get back together with him, so don't try to force yourself to understand.

Let's leave it all to the other power called the subconscious mind.

So, like Mr. C, it's great to "ignore!" no matter what happens in real life!

Normally, when something happens in real life (he tells you to ``find another man''), you would do something to achieve a different outcome.

But if you are trying to make it come true subconsciously, that part is completely ignored.

No matter what happens in reality
No matter what happened between us in the past
I don't care what kind of relationship the two have now.

The only things that matter to you are ``what you want to be, and what kind of people you want to be.''

I'm not sure if it will come true

There are a certain number of cases where people, like Mr. C, are worried about whether or not it will come true, even though they have made their decision.

I can't stop feeling anxious and don't know if I can continue to believe.
I feel like my fears will come true... Does this mean I'm not making up my mind properly?

Some people may feel confused like that. I myself had times like that.

Even if I'm anxious, I'll come back to my thoughts

In conclusion, in addition to the principle of ``If you think so, it will happen,'' there is no separate rule that says ``If you are anxious, it will not come true.''
So, whatever I decide to do, regardless of whether I'm worried or not, it will come true.

So, even if you feel anxious, please feel safe and come back to what you have decided.

When you feel anxious, instead of trying to convince yourself, ``I shouldn't be anxious!!!'', try comforting yourself by saying, ``I'm feeling anxious, that's okay.''

After that, come back to the feeling you want to make come true, saying, ``Well, but I'm in love with him!''

If you become anxious and identify with that anxiety, you may find yourself thinking more and more bad things.

However, anxiety is a thought or ego that automatically reacts based on past experiences.

Because it's your ego,Ah, my ego came out again and you don't have to face that anxiety seriously.

Ego may come out in various ways due to past experiences, but it's okay for it to come out, so I'll ignore it.

Then, return to your fulfilled self, eat delicious sweets, do what you like, and enjoy who you are now.

So, this time's answer is. . .

It's okay to feel anxious. After you feel anxious for a while and calm down, come back to the person who has fulfilled your ``feelings'' and be in love with the person who has come true!



If you are still worried, please click here

Still, I'm getting more and more anxious and I'm worried! If so, please check this out too!

If you realize that you are creating your own anxiety, maybe it will suddenly disappear?



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