
Even if you are told that all you have to do is “decide on your thoughts”… 3 recommended books for when you want to do something

Hello, this is Iruru.
At LoveSync Attraction, if you want your desire to come true subconsciously, ``because you think so, it will happen'', so just ``decide what you want''.
I always tell people to put aside their egos and enjoy each day.

“However, I want to do something! Otherwise, reality will worry me and my ego will be noisy!”

I think there are many people who think so.

・Write down a lot of your wishes in a notebook
・Detailed imaging

I think it's a good idea to do something concrete.
However, it is not mandatory, and those who think it suits them or want to incorporate it are welcome to do so.

When I wanted to do something, I read a book

When I first learned about the subconscious mind, I thought to myself, ``I want to do something! Maybe I have to do something,'' even though I could tell in words that I would leave it to someone else's power.

For many years, I had lived a life of trying my best on my own, so I had a very strong ego, thinking that if I didn't do something, I wouldn't make it.

So, I read a lot of books and tried various things that were written that said, ``You should do this.''

That was fun, but now that I think about it, I shouldn't have done anything special.

But I want to do something! When I'm so consumed by my ego that I can't do anything about it, it's totally okay to do something, and one of those things was reading, so I'm going to put together a list of the three books that helped me at the time.

Three books that helped me understand my subconscious mind

At that time, I thought, ``First of all, I need to know something in detail about attraction and the subconscious mind!'' and I was reading a lot of books.
Of course, the standard of attraction

『the secret

I also read it, but in my case I watched the DVD more.

Looking again at Amazon, I get the impression that there are more books available now than there were back then.

I read the books around that time, so some of them are a little old, but I would like to introduce three that I thought were interesting.

Looking again at Amazon, I get the impression that there are more books available now than there were back then.

I read the books around that time, so some of them are a little old, but I would like to introduce three that I thought were interesting.

This is how thoughts become reality - Pam Grout, Sunmark Publishing

*Click on the photo to go to Amazon

This book was not only about the subconscious mind, but also about various experimental methods to make it come true, so it was perfect for me at the time when I wanted to do something.

This book was written with the aim of ``experiencing how you can realize your desires subconsciously by conducting nine experiments over a period of about 21 days.''

Each experiment has its own experiment report sheet, and as you complete each experiment one by one, you experience having your wishes come true.
This book uses the term field of potential, but I read it interchangeably with the subconscious mind.

Then, I conducted an experiment using the experiment report sheet for the first of the nine experiments, the law of energy in the universe (though now that I've looked back on it, I've replaced it with my own version).

Simply put, it was an experiment in which I made up my mind and had the experience of seeing it come true.

I decided to meet the person I've been wanting to meet by the 15th.
In the end, we finally met on the 15th in an unexpected way and it became a reality.

*The original experiment sheet had a proviso that it must be completed within 48 hours. I think at that time I probably didn't think it would come true within 48 hours, so I set the deadline as the 15th.

Oh amazing! That's what I thought at the time, but I don't remember doing any experiments after that.

It will come true on the first try! So I decided not to do it because it would become a hassle (sweat).

If you are interested and can't shake your ego, I think it's a good idea to give it a try!

Your dreams will definitely come true with a one-minute diary! -Akira Imamura, Forest Publishing

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By writing in a diary every day, you can experience for yourself that ``what I set out to do will come true'' and ``I can get what I want''.
Writing a diary is easy and looks like this.

Write up to 3 in the morning, and 4 and 5 in the evening. 1 and 2 can be small things, like drinking coffee. Then, what I wrote in the morning will come true at night! You'll have a lot of experiences like that, and you'll start to think to yourself, ``If I write, things will come true,'' so they will come true more and more.
Recommended for those who like to write about various things! And it was a lot of fun because everything I wrote came true.
I like to write down my thoughts, so I sometimes write them in a notebook, but lately I've been having trouble deciding on a format, so I just write.
Recommended for those who find it easier to write in a format.

Why do successful people go to shrines? - Ryuhei Yagi, author Sunmark Publishing

*Click on the photo to go to Amazon

Although the color is a little different, this is a shrine book. There was a time when, when I was feeling depressed, I would go to a nearby shrine as if to pray.

I'm glad that the book I read at that time made me feel like I could pray better at the shrine.

For me at that time, going to the shrine itself was like meditation, a way to get rid of my ego.

I think some people find it distracting to actually move or do something when they're feeling anxious.

At that time, I felt refreshed by actually going to the shrine and praying, so I calmed my ego by visiting the shrine.

As I've said many times, the basic rule is, "Because I think so, it will happen."

What did you think?

As I've said many times before, there are various ego countermeasures such as writing something down and giving affirmations, but it's not something you have to do.
Basically, just ``because I think so, it will happen''.


If you can do that, you have to add something else! Remember, you don't have to think that way!


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