
[Confidence Part 2] Can having a counselor or mentor make you more confident?

Get rid of the stress of not having confidence!

To make your desires come true subconsciously, ``Because you think so, it will happen.'' That's all. But I think there's nothing better than being confident. Because being confident means believing in yourself. I thought that because I believed in myself, I was able to think without saying anything, and once I thought about it, I could trust myself and leave it alone. Therefore, we will deliver this article in three parts with the theme of escaping from ``lack of self-confidence''.

Try counseling to gain confidence in yourself! ?

Hello, this is Iruru. Part 2 of the series on how to overcome ``lack of self-confidence''. When Iruru had no self-confidence, she couldn't believe that it was okay to be who she was.

So, I thought, ``Maybe if I take a seminar or counseling, something will change?'' So I took a seminar on love fulfillment (I think it cost about 30,000 yen), and a fortune teller told me that I would be able to help my husband and I. Let's talk about compatibility...

I kept repeating things like listening to the opinions of ``someone'' on the outside, believing them completely, and giving it a try. I would go to all kinds of seminars and consultations that I thought looked good, so I think it took a lot of money and time.

It's important not to rely too much on external opinions.

Looking back, I think that the seminars and consultations I attended at that time were interesting because I was able to learn about ways of thinking from various perspectives, and the content of each was good. In that respect, it had no effect at all.

On the contrary, I became stuck in a vicious cycle where my external perspective became more and more clear, and I started comparing myself to others and losing confidence even more.

It is not a bad thing to receive counseling to gain confidence in yourself, and I think that counseling may help you realize something about yourself. However, when listening to such external opinions, I think it is important to decide not to rely on them.

Even if a counselor gives you some advice, it is not the only 100% correct opinion, but one of many options, and it is up to you to decide whether to take it or not. When I wasn't confident in myself, I tended to take advice at face value and rely on it, so I completely understand the temptation to do that, but I want you to calm down and think about it for a moment.

When you receive advice, it's good if you think carefully about whether or not you want to do it, and then think, ``I want to do it!'' On the other hand, if you feel that something is not right, no matter what your great teacher tells you, I want you to believe in your own feeling that something is wrong.

The same goes for not only counseling but also fortune-telling and spiritual coaching.

Some spiritual counselors can see spiritual things and convey messages to you. Especially when it comes to spiritual things, since I can't see, I feel like whatever I'm told is 100% correct, and I'm a very accurate fortune teller when it comes to fortune telling! When someone says something to you, you tend to think that what they say is correct. But you can decide for yourself whether you believe it or not.

After all, your life is what you create yourself.

No matter what anyone says, if you don't think it's OK after consulting with your inner self, you don't have to accept it. The final decision is yours.

Home♡Ren also sends out various messages through videos and websites, but there is no need for everyone to accept them 100%. It's okay to have people choose only the delicious parts that you think are good.

Rather than taking in a lot of information from the outside, I started having a good dialogue with my inner self and started valuing myself, and I felt like I was gradually becoming more confident in myself. To do.

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