
[Series: Questions from Everyone Part 3] We tend to become negative, but will it come true if we become positive?

Hello. This is Iruru.

Today, I would like to share some of the questions I received on the consultation form that I thought would be helpful to many people.

(The content of the question has been changed as appropriate to the extent that individuals are not identified)


``That's what I think, so I've decided that it will happen, and I'm thinking, ``I'm in love with him,'' but I end up worrying about whether or not he's contacted me, and I end up having negative delusions. I try to be positive in a hurry, but the negative feelings just don't go away. If I force myself to be positive, will it come true?

If it's negative, it won't come true?

If it's negative, it won't come true, right?
I can't be positive, what should I do?
We often receive this question.

Even if I make up my mind, all sorts of negative delusions pop up and I don't feel like it's going to come true! I can't become who I am! I totally understand how you feel.

However, subconsciously, the only way to realize a wish is to say, ``Because I think so, it will happen''.

So, even if all sorts of negative delusions, thoughts, and egos come out, we recommend that you throw them away the moment they come out.
I just want you to be yourself and think, ``It's already come true!''

It's totally okay if negative thoughts and egos come out.

In other words, the ego comes out, so it can't be helped and cannot be stopped.

However, when I thought, ``Oh, it's come out again,'' I just threw it away.
“But it had already come true!” and I just go back to the person who made it come true.

It’s okay to stay negative and make it come true.

I somehow feel like being positive is better than being negative, but there is no rule that says ``If you aren't positive, things won't come true.''

If you think it's better for you to think positively, I think that's fine, and if you tend to react negatively, I think it's a good idea to forgive yourself for that.

Even if you tend to be negative, there is no problem as long as you can quickly come back to your thoughts, so when negative delusions arise, it might be a good idea to say to yourself, ``It's okay to be negative.'' I don't know.

If you're still concerned, try turning it into a positive thing.

Even if you have a negative mindset, it has nothing to do with achieving your dreams, but if you feel like you don't like your negative self, we recommend trying to turn that negative into a positive one.

Negative feelings and delusions can often be transformed into positive statements.
For example, it looks like this.

・I'm worried about him and feel anxious → I love him so much that I feel anxious when I think about him!

・I can't help but think about him and it hurts → I love him so much that I can't help but think about him!

・It's been a year since I haven't been able to get back together with him → You must really love him if you continue to love him even after a year!

It's also fun to write down your thoughts in a notebook and try converting them yourself.

If you feel like it brings up too many negative thoughts, please give it a try.

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