
[Series Questions from Everyone 5] I can’t imagine being in love with my boyfriend, but is it possible to get back together?

Hello, it's Iruru.


Today, I'd like to share some parts of the questions we received through the consultation form that I thought might be helpful to many. (I've adjusted the content of the questions to ensure the privacy of individuals.)


I want to get back together with him. We haven't seen each other for almost two years.
However, after watching Home♡Ren's videos and blog, I believe that the belief that it is possible to get back together is the truth.

But I can't focus on lovey-dovey.
Rumor has it that he has a new girlfriend.
The image of lovey-dovey between him and her takes precedence, and I can't imagine myself and him being lovey-dovey.

But I want to believe that we can get back together.

You are not good at imaging, you can't imagine

Many people might have come across concepts like manifesting desires through the subconscious mind or the law of attraction, but I believe there are also quite a few individuals who struggle with visualization.

I myself fall into that category. I was aware that I wasn't particularly adept at visualization, but there was a time when I read a book called "Hojichi" by Toshitaka Mochizuki. I tried to imagine an apple as described in the book, but I found it quite challenging, and it was disheartening to realize just how limited my imagination was.

The "Hojichi" book is designed for people who struggle with visualization. It encourages individuals to create a vision board (treasure map) of their dreams and display it as their wallpaper or look at it every day to forcefully imprint the image of their dreams into their minds. For me, regularly creating vision boards helped me visually understand what I wanted to achieve, so it was quite beneficial. If you're interested, I recommend giving the book a read.

So, for a while, I worked hard to make this treasure map and displayed it in my house. Still, even though it was an image I wanted to make come true, every time I looked at it, my ego kept coming out, thinking things like, ``I wonder if this will really come true,'' or ``Maybe it's impossible after all,'' and it became painful.

So, I totally understand how people feel when they can't visualize it.

What does it mean to decide and focus?

I often say things like, once you've decided on a thought, focus on it, but when I say focus, I don't mean to keep imagining it, or to think about it forever.

Even after making a decision, ego keeps coming out.
However, I feel like if I don't pay attention to the ego that keeps coming out and focus on my ``realized self'' and ``my thoughts,'' that's it.

I decided on my thoughts. My ego came out. At that time, you will return to your thoughts, you will return to your fulfilled self, and it will be over.

After that, do what you like and make yourself happy.
・I haven't been getting enough exercise lately, so I thought I'd watch some stretching videos on YouTube to get my body moving.

・The cafe that opened in front of the station looked nice, so I thought I'd give it a try.

・The book you told me about the other day seemed interesting, so I thought I'd give it a read.

・The game I downloaded the other day was fun, so I thought I'd give it a try.

If you have a hobby, that's fine, or something like traveling or meeting friends.
I want you to try doing something that makes you feel happy.

I would like to get back together with him sooner than that! ! !

If I say,

If I have time to go to a cafe or something, I'd like to get back together with him as soon as possible!!!"

What do you think? (lol)
I was thinking a lot.

I was thinking so much about him and was so full of ego that I thought that if I thought about anything other than him, I wouldn't be able to get back together.

But if you really got back together, would you be thinking about him that much?

If it became normal for him to be around you, would you be so clingy with him all the time?
Now that you're in love with him, don't you sometimes go to cafes alone or enjoy your own hobbies that have nothing to do with him?

If you do that, don't you think that the things that make you happy will become the person you are?

I had a hard time understanding this, and for a long time I kept standing in the position of myself who had not achieved what I wanted to achieve (which had not come true). If there are any people who are experiencing this now, I would like them to stop and take a look.

Once you've made up your mind, you're already the person who has it all.
I want them to return to being self-centered and freely create their own lives without worrying about reality.

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