
Series: Questions from Everyone, Part 10 – I am a man. All the reconciliation success stories in the videos are from women, but can men also achieve reunion?

I would like to extract and share some portions from the questions we've received through the consultation form that I think might be helpful to many. (The content of the questions has been modified to protect individual privacy.)

From S

I broke up with my girlfriend six months ago and found HomettoRen because I want to get back together. I'm a man, is it okay to use the same method? I watched the videos of people who successfully got back together, but they were all women, so it made me anxious."

Is the method the same for men as well?

As I talk about in both videos and blogs, the law of the subconscious mind is simply ``because I think so, it will happen''.

There are no conditions such as ``because you're a woman,'' or ``if you're a man,'' it won't come true, and there are no gender differences.

However, since I get asked this question regularly, ``Can it happen for men as well?'', I thought I would address it once.

Why did you think that it might not work for men?

Certainly, when looking at statistics, there are indeed more female viewers, so it's natural that there are more reports of rekindled relationships from women.

If you only watch the reports, it might seem like there are no reports from men at this stage. However, there have been reports from men about their rekindled relationships, even though they haven't been turned into videos.

In the videos, I have never stated anything like "it works for women but not for men" or vice versa.

Therefore, if you've thought, "What if it doesn't work for men?" it might be related to having the underlying belief that your romantic endeavors are inherently more difficult to manifest.

This is similar to questions like, "Can it work for one-sided love?" "Does it work for long-distance relationships?" "He already has a girlfriend, is it still possible?" "I've fallen for a celebrity, can it work?" "I don't even have their contact info, can it work?" These questions all share the same essence of thinking, "Because it's one-sided, long-distance, he has a girlfriend, it's a celebrity, or I don't even have their contact info, it must be difficult to make it work."

So, is it difficult for my love to come true?

You may think that it will be difficult for your dreams to come true, based on past events or the relationship between the two of you.

If you've run out of options and finally found out about ``making your wishes come true through your subconscious'' and arrived at Home♡Ren, it's understandable that you might feel like ``it seems difficult to make your dreams come true.''

However, no matter how hard you think it will be to make your dreams come true, in your subconscious mind, the rule for making your dreams come true is simply, ``Because you think so, it will happen.''

Various situations, the past of the two of you, the people around you, the other person's reaction, etc. are all irrelevant, so please stop thinking about them for now.
And just, "I think so." Decide what you want to achieve. Become the person you want to be from “now.” That's all.

Just decide on the desire you want to manifest.

I keep thinking that he said he would never reconcile if we broke up when we were dating." "My friends around me also say it's impossible, so maybe reconciliation is difficult." "He hasn't replied to me, so it seems like I can't reconcile.

You might have various rationalizations like this running through your mind. However, all of these are external voices and ego-driven, so I recommend ignoring them.

What's important is what you want.

Regardless of what he said or what your friends are saying, if you want to reconcile, start by deciding that you and him will become a loving couple in the future.

Don't be swayed by external opinions, no matter what your friends say. Decide what you want first.

And then, hold onto the determination you've made.

The whispers that tell you it might not work out are coming from your ego. Feeling like "it might not work out" is just your ego trying to blend in. It's okay to feel disappointed, sad, or lonely at times, but after experiencing those emotions, return to your desire to manifest.

No matter what your current situation is, all you have to do is decide on your desire. Stop looking for reasons why it won't work out. Once you've felt disappointed or sad and calmed down, just come back to your loving and happy self.

Regardless of your current circumstances, remember that all you need to do is decide on your desire. Stop searching for reasons why it might not work out and simply remain the version of yourself who has fulfilled your desires!

For those who tend to overthink, I recommend this book. Maybe your brain is getting tired from overthinking?

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