
[Series: Questions from Everyone – Part 12] My ex, whom I want to reconcile with, has a new girlfriend and it seems they’re getting married. In cases like this, have there been people who successfully reconciled?

I'd like to extract and share portions of questions we've received from our consultation form that seem like they could be helpful to many. (The content of the questions is occasionally modified to ensure the privacy of individuals.)

From H

I've been trying various methods because I want to reconcile, and I came across Homettoさん's advice. I want to get back together with my ex, but he has a new girlfriend.

The other day, I couldn't resist and checked his social media, and I saw him having a great time with his new girlfriend. Our mutual friends even mentioned that they might be getting married soon.

Have there been cases of reconciliation with an ex who has a new girlfriend?

Your ex, whom you want to reunion with, is getting married!?

Hello, it's Iruru.

Even if you've been working hard to reconcile, it's shocking and disheartening to hear that your ex has not only found a new girlfriend but might even be getting engaged or married.

The law of wish fulfillment in the subconscious mind is "What you believe, you become." So, I always talk about deciding your desire and being the version of yourself where it's already fulfilled, and not worrying about the present reality. However, when faced with such a shocking reality, it's natural to feel shocked and sad.

I think it's important not to suppress those feelings but to accept them while forgiving yourself. Once you've calmed down a bit, I encourage you to think about how you want to move forward from here.

And in the end, no matter if he has a new girlfriend or not, what matters most is "what do you want?"

Is there a case where someone managed to reconcile even when the person they wanted to reconcile with got married?

Questions like "Can I reconcile with him even though he has a girlfriend?" or "I got married, but can I still use the subconscious mind?" or "I want to reconcile with my ex who is in this situation, and my current situation is like this. Are there any cases of reconciliation in such situations?" are quite common. I think these questions stem from a desire to find evidence that their own reconciliation is possible.

On YouTube, I upload videos as reports when someone successfully reconciles, and I believe the content can be helpful to everyone. Apart from that, we receive many reports of successful reconciliations.

As of January 2022, there are reported cases where someone's ex had a girlfriend but they broke up and reconciled with the person. There are also instances where someone got married but later divorced, and the person returned to them. Additionally, cases where the ex-husband got divorced but they didn't want to reconcile are also prevalent, although they might not be in video form. We have received numerous reports, including cases where they wanted to get back with their divorced husband and it worked out.

However, whether or not reconciliation is possible has little to do with the individual's situation or actions. The most crucial factor is their own consciousness. Therefore, looking for examples of people in similar situations may not always be helpful, as different situations can also be very informative.

So, I encourage you to stop seeking examples of people with similar situations and instead choose to continue being the version of yourself where your desired outcome has already been fulfilled.

Is searching for cases (situations) similar to your own the same as reinforcing the version of yourself where your desired outcome has not been fulfilled?

I always emphasize that manifesting your desires through the power of your subconscious mind is as simple as "believing it to make it so." The current situation, your past with your significant other, worries about the future, and such factors are completely irrelevant. It's all about deciding and believing in your current thoughts and feelings.

Therefore, there are no situations where it's impossible or difficult to achieve your desires based on the circumstances.

However, if you or your ego believes that certain cases are "difficult to manifest," you might inadvertently maintain a state of not achieving your desires.

Furthermore, if you think that something is "difficult to manifest," you are more likely to actively seek out information that supports this belief, making it easier to find negative information. This can strengthen the belief that your desires aren't coming true.

Therefore, whether or not similar cases exist in your situation, what matters most is whether you can confidently decide and believe that you are already achieving your desires, regardless of the circumstances or external factors.

When you find yourself in persistent doubt or confusion, take the time to listen to your own heart until you find clarity.

However, in cases like the one mentioned here, where your ex has a new girlfriend or is about to get married, you may sometimes find it challenging to make a clear decision and might feel torn.

In such moments, I encourage you to ask yourself, "Do I still want to reconcile with him?" Listen to your own heart.

Whether there have been cases where such situations have led to reconciliation in the past doesn't matter. What's important is what you want. Do you want to give it another shot with him?

If you think, "No, I'd rather explore new opportunities!" then that's perfectly fine. If you believe, "No matter what, I want him. I am meant to be his partner!" then that's fine too.

The crucial point is what you genuinely desire. You don't need to rush to find an answer. Take your time, and don't let external information sway you. Listen closely to your inner voice.

Love, Iruru ❤️

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