
Do you like angel card (oracle card) readings or tarot readings?

Hello, this is Iruru.


Do you like fortune-telling using angel cards (oracle cards) or tarot cards? Do you believe it in the first place?

I don't play tarot cards very often because I'm afraid of the possibility of negative results, but I quite like angel cards and sometimes draw them. There have been several times when I have been referred to spiritual people. This time, I would like to talk about cards that are very popular in the subconscious world, and how you should use them to your advantage!

What is card reading in the first place?

What are tarot cards and angel cards (oracle cards)?

Both are card readings (fortune-telling), but I understand that the person performing the fortune-telling channels the target's spirit (guardian spirit, etc.) and receives their message from there through the cards.

During the process of gathering various information to harness the power of the subconscious mind, some people might have come across card reading.

I personally like angel cards and, a long time ago, a spiritually knowledgeable acquaintance taught me how to use them.

Since then, I've often drawn cards for myself when I had uncertainties.

Even if you don't want to draw the cards yourself, there are plenty of free and easy-to-follow card reading videos available on YouTube, which can be quite convenient.


If you decide to buy cards for yourself, I believe it's best to choose the ones that resonate with you personally. As for the cards I own, these are the ones. (*Note: Doreen Virtue's oracle cards were well-known and still popular, but the author herself disavowed spirituality in 2019. The cards feature beautiful artwork and are soothing to look at.)


What if the result of the fortune-telling is negative?

Receiving a positive outcome from a fortune-telling or reading, whether through a professional or by trying it yourself, can be uplifting. However, what if the result turns out to be negative? Especially when it's a reading from someone who is known to be consistently accurate?

The interpretation of cards varies from person to person, and how they convey the message depends on the individual. For instance, some may deliver a message very bluntly, saying things like "impossible" or "it's better to stop.

Some may believe that channelers or fortune-tellers, who are believed to see things beyond what we can perceive, convey messages through tarot cards or angel cards (oracle cards).


They may see it as a meaningful message from their guardian spirits, and indeed, many people share this perspective. In fact, I used to think this way myself.

I guess it's really impossible because that famous person said so." "It seems like getting back together is difficult; it's our fate to be apart." I understand these thoughts.

However, it's important to remember that the subconscious operates on the principle of "what you think, you become." Even if you had made up your mind with determination, hearing someone say, "getting back together is difficult," might make you doubt your decision.

Absolutely, if you take such statements at face value and start thinking, "Maybe getting back together is impossible after all," it can lead to a sense of reverting to the state of "I can't achieve it,

I'm the one who's been separated from him." Your mindset plays a significant role in your actions and outcomes, so it's crucial to maintain a positive and determined attitude when pursuing your goals.

More than fortune-telling, more than readings, more than guardian spirits, it's about what I want to do."

If enjoying card readings or fortune-telling leads to lightening your heart, that's great.

However, it's a shame to become distressed by the results and go from a self whose wishes have been fulfilled to one who feels they haven't.

From the perspective of the subconscious, the results of fortune-telling have absolutely no bearing on wish fulfillment.


However, if you strongly associate "fortune-telling and wish fulfillment are closely related," it can create a world where they appear to be connected.

In the end, it's all about how "you" personally feel.


Do you choose to see a negative fortune-telling result and decide that your wishes won't come true? Or do you decide to remain the version of yourself who believes, "No matter what anyone says, I am his wife! I don't believe in not being able to reconcile, and I wish I hadn't even had it read!"

The subconscious works because "you" believe it, and "you" become it. Your life can be freely crafted by "you" by making choices based on your desires.

I know, but I still want to do a fortune-telling!

It's because of that belief that it becomes reality." "It's what I, myself, think." Ultimately, it's your choice.

I understand that most people know this, but if you enjoy fortune-telling, then by all means, go ahead!

Personally, I recommend angel cards (oracle cards). Why? Because they don't give negative results, and you can easily interpret them to your advantage, which makes it enjoyable.

What I often did was a three-card draw. After thoroughly shuffling the cards and holding the deck in one hand, I would knock on it like knocking on a door with the other hand, expressing my thoughts.

Angel cards (oracle cards) are a tool for communicating with your guardian spirits (spirits) who protect you through the cards. There's no need to ask if something will go well or if you can do it. Your guardian spirits are always there to support you, and success is already guaranteed.

I always convey my thoughts with a feeling like, "Please provide me with hints for the smooth realization of my wishes." Just for your reference!

Afterward, draw three cards and arrange them in the order of past, present, and future. The way you draw them is entirely up to you, so just pick three and arrange them in the order of past, present, and future.

And then, open the cards and take a look at the pictures and words written on them. Interpret them freely.


If there are any words or phrases that catch your attention, it's a good idea to pay attention to them. Some angel cards (oracle cards) come with detailed explanations for each card, so reading those instructions can also be helpful.

The way you interpret them is entirely up to you.


Feel free to read them in your own way, as it suits you. It can be quite enjoyable, and since you can interpret them as you like, it might lighten your heart, don't you think?

Suddenly, Iruru will be doing a magazine reading using angel cards (oracle cards)!

Well, here's the bonus. Iruru will use cards to tell your fortune in detail so that you can understand what card reading is like.

This time, we asked her for tips on how to become even more in love with him!
It's a one-card draw, not the three-card draw I introduced earlier. First, choose one card that stands out to you from the cards below.






Did you choose? There are no bad results either way, so choose with confidence!






Here are the results of the reading. For those who understand English, feel free to read it on your own. I'll write it from left to right. Please read the text and just pick up on what resonates with you.

Make a Decision

Let's make a decision. Are you feeling stuck or indecisive? Listen to your intuition and make a choice.

Iruru's putit reading♪
Have you made any recent decisions? Are you struggling with a decision? No matter how you decide, your guardian spirit is here to support you. Have confidence and make your decision.
You're Being Helped.

You are being helped. Even if the results haven't shown up yet, the heavens are working behind the scenes to assist you.

Iruru's putit reading♪
Do you sometimes feel like you're going it alone? You are being supported by your guardian spirit. In the unseen realms, they are helping to ensure your success. Please work on what's in front of you with a peaceful heart.

Forgiving oneself. Release old guilt and remember that you are a child of the Divine.

Iruru's small reading♪
Are you blaming yourself? Suffering from the judgments of others? You are wonderful just as you are. There is nothing lacking in you. You are perfect as you are right now. Forgive and love yourself as you are today.

How did it resonate with you? Did any of the messages strike a chord? From each card, you can feel the energy of being supported by something unseen. Rekindling a relationship is a piece of cake, after all!

OSHO's Tarot is well-known, and it provides detailed instructions, making it suitable for beginners as well. If you're interested in Tarot, I recommend giving it a try!


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