
When You Use the Subconscious Mind for a Loving Relationship but Feel Anxious, What Should You Do?

How to Deal with Anxiety When Using Your Subconscious Mind to Achieve a Loving Relationship with Him

Hello, it's Iruru. I always emphasize that to achieve your desires using your subconscious mind, all you need to do is "think it, and it will happen," just "decide what you want."

For example, if you have a crush on someone, you think, "I'm already in a loving relationship with him," and that's how you become loving with him. If you want to reunite with someone, you think, "I'm already in a loving relationship with him," and that's how you become loving with him.

That's it. Afterward, I suggest enjoying your daily life, savoring the happiness right in front of you. However, some people may start feeling anxious and wonder, "Is it really that simple to become loving with him just by deciding it's so?"

Feeling anxious because you have nothing to do!

Iruru used to run an e-mail newsletter about love psychology, so I read books related to that and answered questions. For example, let's say that the following consultation occurred during a normal love consultation, regardless of subconsciousness.

I want things to go well with the person I have unrequited feelings for. He has told me that he doesn't see me as a romantic interest. I'm worried that he might start dating someone else.

If the answer to this is from love psychology,

Try doing something that will make him happy.

Try gifting him something he would enjoy, or contact him regularly.

When playing LINE, don't rally over and over again. Don't be too persistent and try to express your interest in a modest manner.

You may be able to answer something like this.

Then, you'll have something to do right in front of you, so you can start working on it.

Then, you can see the results of your actions, good or bad, so you look at the results and think about whether things will go well or not, and what you should do next.My head is busy.

However, when it comes to realizing your desires subconsciously, all you have to do is decide on your thoughts.

That's it.

You'll probably be the only one at the moment you decide, so you don't know how the other person will react.

There's no need to look at reactions or check reality; just make up your mind and be yourself.


If you do that, you won't have anything to think about, and you'll feel like you've lost track of what you're doing, and you'll start to worry, wondering, "Are we really okay with going on like this?"

Even though there is no need to think about it, some people's egos run wild and they end up feeling anxious.

It's okay to feel anxious

In conclusion, whether you become anxious or not, it doesn't affect the outcome of wish fulfillment.

The law of wish fulfillment through the subconscious is simply: "You become what you believe." Regardless of whether you feel anxious or not, it's about remaining in the state where your desire has already been fulfilled.

It's okay to feel uncertain and wonder if it's really okay. There's no need to overthink what you should do next. Just stay in the mindset of already having fulfilled your desire.

It's alright to feel anxious, but I encourage you to decide to stay in the state of "having already achieved it" without letting that anxiety move you.

By reassuring yourself that it's okay to feel anxious and that it's okay to fulfill your desires even while feeling anxious, you may find that the anxiety gradually fades away.

Recommended videos about anxiety

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Recommended books for when you're feeling anxious Words to Make Anxiety Disappear in 1 Second: Taught by Psychiatrist Tomy

Each page is easy to read, and it's good to read them all, but you can also use them to read pages that catch your eye in a spread. If you read it when you are feeling anxious about something, you will feel lighter.

Psychiatrist's Guide to Stress-Free Living: The Ultimate Compilation

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・Being stress-free while sleeping
・Stress and fatigue do not carry over to the next day
It seems that it is. How about you?
If your head is tired, you'll likely find yourself filled with more worries.
If you are interested, please give it a try.

人生のあらゆる「悩み・不安・疲れ」をなくすためのリスト 樺沢紫苑著

Turning Anxiety into Hope! The 'Zero Reset' Magic

This is a book by Kenji Spirit, who is popular on YouTube and Voicy.
He writes in an easy-to-understand manner how he turned his life around from his own experiences that didn't go well.
Also for those who feel like they need a hint to get out of their haze.

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