
“Become Your Fulfilled Self! Q&A with Your Subconscious Mind

Hello! This is Iruru. The other day, on LoveSync Attraction's YouTube channel, I uploaded a video titled "20 Questions About 'As You Think, So Shall You Become' - Iruru Edition and Meguru Edition." It's a series of Q&A videos about the subconscious mind, with 20 questions in each video.

Meguru pattern

Iruru pattern

Thank you to those who have already watched it.
Regarding this Q&A, I received the following letter from  K the other day.

Letter from Mr. K (Summary): Regarding the Q&A videos, after watching them, I thought about how I would answer those questions myself. I decided to write down my answers to the 20 questions as a form of self-reflection. It made me realize how deeply certain thought patterns are ingrained in my subconscious. I felt that this exercise could serve as a form of self-awareness assessment and could be beneficial for viewers who aspire to reunite with their ex-partners or explore different life paths. It's a great way to visually represent your current thoughts and feelings.

K's idea of thinking of that question as a self-awareness survey was unique and thought-provoking, so I decided to turn it into a work.

Try to answer with your own consciousness!

From the 20 questions provided by Iruru and Meguru, I have selected 20 questions, dividing them into two sets of 10 questions each. I tried to choose questions that are easy for everyone to answer and that encourage self-reflection. Feel free to select and answer only the ones that resonate with you! Have fun writing your responses.

There's something I'd like you to be conscious of during this exercise, and that's to focus on the concept of "it's already achieved" or, in other words, "I'm already there."


When it comes to manifesting desires through the subconscious mind, it all boils down to the principle that "what you think, you become.

If you've decided to reunite with your ex and have a loving relationship, then make that decision, and simply be in the state of being where it has already happened. That's all there is to it.

So, when you answer these questions, please do so with the consciousness that it has already been achieved. By keeping this in mind, not only will your mindset while answering change, but you may also have your own discoveries along the way, such as, "Wait, I thought I had made up my mind, but I might not have been taking steps from the position of it already being achieved."

For your reference, I've included the answers that Iruru and Meguru provided in their videos, but there's no right or wrong answer. I encourage you to approach this as a form of self-awareness assessment, answer freely, and enjoy the process.

10 Questions to Answer as Your Achieved Self - From Iruru's Q&A"

First, let's take out 10 questions from Iruru's video. Please feel free to answer any questions you are interested in by writing them in your notebook!

Once you answer, press the arrow mark to the right of Q to see what Iru and Meguru answered in the video.

*Please note that the answers given by Iru and Meguru are not exactly as shown in the video, and some parts have been added.

Q1 How did you become interested in the subconscious mind?

Iruru A1
I found out about it by chance when I was unsure of my direction at work.

Looking back now, I think I met her at a time when I was too focused on the outside, on the world, my friends, and how others viewed me, and I was getting tired of not looking inside myself. Gradually, I realized that the subconscious mind is not only involved in work but also in love.

At that time, I was unsure about love, so I subconsciously wanted to fulfill my desire and started trying various things.

Meguru A1

In my case, it's psychology, and since I was in junior high school, I've been reading and buying all the books by Hayao Kawai, who explains Jung's psychology in an easy-to-understand manner.

You were interested in the mind. Regarding the subconscious mind, I had the opportunity to work with authors related to psychology and self-development, so I had a lot of knowledge. However, I became interested in it because many entrepreneurs and managers talked about ``because I think so, it will happen'', albeit in different ways.




The ego that strongly believed, ``This is what that person must think of me, that person must think that I can't do it,'' becomes the reality that it is, and it is true. When I realized that I was creating myself. I thought people thought I couldn't do it, but it turns out I was the one who felt that way.

I also realized that by behaving in such a way, I had some benefits for myself (for example, people would follow me if they thought I was incompetent).
That wasn't what I wanted in my head, so I first decided to stop believing that I was thought of as someone who couldn't do it (my ego).

go around

I remember one company's manager saying that he could tell whether or not someone would stand out at his company before they joined the company, or more specifically, at the hiring interview stage.

The manager said, ``One thing that people who stand out in a company have in common is that even though they haven't even joined the company, they speak as if they're already working at the company and act confident.'' When I heard that, I instinctively thought, ``Oh, this is the pattern of successful people.'' I thought that the pattern of successful people is that they are already the same person, or in this example, the person who is already active at the company. From that point on, I gradually began to think that because I thought so, it must be true that it would happen that way.

Q3 Do you think y

ou have to love yourself to get back together? (Q9 in the video)


no. I don't think you can't achieve your goals without loving yourself, but I do think you'll be happier if you love yourself.



I think you can get back together without loving yourself. However, I am happier now because I can love myself.


This is because I think that the more you value yourself, the less you will be influenced by outsiders, and the more you will be able to get along with those outsiders as equals.


However, a person's happiness depends on the person, so I don't think we should force people who don't want to love themselves.

Q5 Do you think you have to stay positive to get back together? (Q11 in the video)


I do not think so. If you force yourself to say something positive and end up with negative thoughts swirling around in your heart, I think it's best to just stay flat. I think it's best to have a light mind.



You don't have to be positive. In fact, in the first place, I think that the judgment itself of whether something is positive or negative is ego, so whether it becomes positive or negative, if it is ego, then you can ignore it and go back to ``I think so, so it will happen.'' I think it's okay.

As we live, it is natural to become positive or negative. However, I think that if you continue to be negative, your heart may become heavy, so I think it's good to be conscious of how light your heart is.

Q7 What would you say to someone who is shocked when they get a bad result from a fortune telling or fortune telling? (Q14 in the video)


Which is more important, fortune telling or fortune telling or your own thoughts?



I felt the same way, so I completely understand how you feel. I think it's tough when things are tough, so I think it's okay to feel the tough feelings until your emotions calm down and then decide what you want to do.

I think it's good to heal yourself by doing something completely unrelated to love. I don't think you need to stay in a difficult place.



Yes, I think I'm focusing on the present a lot more than in the past.



there is. At that time, I only saw the lack of things, and I thought that I had to endure now and work hard in order to achieve happiness in the future. No matter how hard I tried to get results, it was always hard.

10 Questions to Answer as Your Achieved Self - From Meguru's Q&A"

How did you feel after trying the 10 questions? It must have been quite difficult.

Next, let's take out 10 questions from Meguru's questions.

Please try answering this question with the mindset of ``How would you respond if your consciousness had already come true?''



Honestly, I don't care about him, so what do you want to do with yourself? I think you'll hear that. in? What do you want to do? is.

I've said it many times, but what do you want to do? If you want to get back together, that's a weak way of being, or rather, it's too short.


I want you to decide how you want to be after things are going well for a long time. It's important to clarify whether you're married or if you're on good terms even if you're not.

Q2 Have you ever suffered from the exact opposite phenomenon? (Q5 in the video)


It's not as much as I suffered, but it's there. At one point, all four of the people I thought were pretty good in quick succession had just gotten engaged or had just gotten married.

At the time, I didn't know about the subconscious mind, so I didn't think it was the exact opposite, but I wondered why it continued this way.

That's what I thought. We hadn't known each other for a long time, so I didn't feel attached to him at all.


By the way, they all got divorced after that, which surprised me. But by that time, I didn't care about it anymore.

Q3 What would you say to someone who says that there is always the opposite phenomenon? (Q6 in the video)


I think it's possible that you're procrastinating because you think it's the exact opposite. There are also people who experience the opposite phenomenon, come again, come again, and it seems like they are stopping things from going well, so that just means they don't want it to come true. , I don't think it's necessary to think of it that way.

Q4 Long distance, no contact, and being curt.

I think these are behaviors that can easily make you uncomfortable if your boyfriend wants to get back together with you, but if these things happened to you, how would you respond? (Q9 in the video)


I'll leave everything alone.I don't care about the long distance, the loss of contact, or the lack of contact.

Also, I especially don't understand the feelings of people who consider long distance a disability.

Because I don't think it will cause any problems. I think this can only be said to be a difference in individual perceptions.

Q5 Have you ever had a feeling that you just couldn't forgive him? (Q10 in the video)


It was there. However, when I get angry, I tell the person right then and there. I wonder if this is an answer that has nothing to do with the subconscious mind. Even if you have unforgivable feelings, you can at least get back together.


No matter how angry or unforgiveable you are, you can still drink coffee. It's the same thing, so if you have feelings that you can't forgive, you won't be able to come true, and there's no need to associate that with things like that. No matter what condition you are in, you can achieve it.



no. As long as you are clear about how you want to be and how you want to be with him, it's an illusion that it doesn't exist, and I don't think it won't come true.

However, Meguru thinks it's pointless to focus on something that doesn't exist, so I don't feel like I'm going to do anything that would be a waste of time for me. I think that even if you just start finding small things every day, you can become lucky.

However, I force people who are staring at something that isn't there to look at something that is! I don't think so either. I try to keep in mind that now may be the time for that person to want to see ``no''.

Q8 If you think so, then you can't see it happening. What would you say if someone told you that it's difficult to believe in things you can't see? (In the video) Q14)


I often use this as an example, but I don't think many people would be nervous if they left their smartphone in the living room and went to the bathroom, wondering what would happen if their smartphone disappeared while they were in the bathroom. But there is no smartphone in front of me. Surprisingly, I think there are many cases in which we accept that something is not there.


go around
"Please get back together right now," I replied. What you think comes first, so if you're already doing well, I'd say think about how you're setting up your relationship with him from the perspective of things going well already.


I would say to yourself after getting back together, please try to be ``now''.
Even if you are dissatisfied with your current life, it may be a good idea to put it aside and think about what makes you happy right now, and how you would enjoy your life after getting back together. .


I answer that because I wonder why things don't go well for me, I think it just creates a world where I don't think things go well.

How was it?

If you answer the questions while keeping in mind the person you have come to be, you will be able to understand in your own way what your current state is, or how you think about yourself and those around you on a daily basis.

It's okay if you have a question that doesn't quite make sense or you can't find an answer to.


This question does not have one correct answer like in mathematics, but rather it is a question that makes you realize that you may be able to think more freely.

So, if you take some time to try it out, you might find that your answer changes and it might be fun.

Making your dreams come true in your subconscious mind is simply, ``Because I think so, it will happen''.

It's fun to do a self-awareness survey like this once in a while!

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