
Leave it to other forces, the subconscious mind. But it is you who determines your thoughts!

Hello, I'm Iruru.

When you hear that Leave it to the power of your subconscious mind, honestly, what did you think?

Actually, I felt quite uncomfortable at first.

Because I thought that thinking and acting on my own was the way things should be.

What? I don't have to do anything on my own?"
What was all that knowledge I had acquired by reading books on the psychology of love and making a lot of effort? I don't have to do anything?
Don't you have to do it by yourself after all, even if you say it's something else?

But despite the discomfort, I remember feeling liberated and out of sync. I felt as if I had been anxiously pondering things until then, such as, "What should I do? I felt as if I didn't have to do this or that all at once.

Can we move on ourown?

Subconscious wish fulfillment is "I think so, so it will happen.
If you decide to be in love with him, you will be in love with him.
I always tell them to leave the rest to the subconscious, the power of the subconscious mind, and enjoy every day.

Therefore, for instance, if you deside that you got back together with him and we are even more in love and happy than before!,

The end. You are already a fulfilled self, so all that's left to do is.

You are just being the way you are, which is what you have achieved.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with acting on your own, and it does not mean that you should not do something on your own if you leave it to other forces. As long as I can be the fulfilled self, then I can do anything on my own as long as I am happy and enjoy myself.

I'm also interested in subconscious wish fulfillment, but I prefer to do things on my own, and I really want to do something on my own! If you feel that you want to do something on your own, that is also possible, and you should do this or that as you wish. For example, here is what I have done in the past when I felt I had to do this or that on my own (laughs

・I'll try to drop him a line every once in a while so he doesn't forget about me, or at least a happy birthday line.
・Let's upload some pictures to Instagram stories, the only place I'm connected to him, and wait for him to like them!
・He has a lot of twitter followers, so it's okay if he likes you once in a while, he won't be annoyed.
・Maybe I'll organize a BBQ with mutual friends so I can connect with him naturally.
・I might buy him a souvenir on my next trip to give him a chance to get back together with me

However, when I was doing these things myself, I remained unfulfilled. As a result, I was in a lot of pain, thinking "I wonder if this is really going to come true...I don't feel like it will..." or being swept away by reality, thinking "He hasn't responded, it's not going to work after all," and so on.

If you don't want to work on your own, there is no need to do this or that on your own from the perspective of subconscious wish fulfillment.
You can leave the whole process to the subconscious mind, the other force.
All you have to do is decide what you want.

Leave it to other forces and worry if it will work!

But in the past, I was like, "Leave it to other forces, that means leave it all to the subconscious. So I shouldn't do something by myself.

This made me even more anxious.

・If I leave it to other forces, will it really work?
・If I leave it to others, won't it go in a direction I don't expect and I'll wish I had done it on my own?
・What if I leave it to others and it doesn't work out in the end?

In short, I was obsessed with the ego, which was concerned that by entrusting my life to other forces, it would go in a direction that was not ideal for me. So, in the end, I could not leave it to other forces and tried to do this and that on my own, and in the end, I kept moving around on my own and looking at reality, and I kept being the person who was not fulfilling my dreams, and I was not using my subconscious mind at all.

It is you who determines your thoughts

If you leave the realization of your desires to other forces, the process to make them come true may come from the day after tomorrow, but what other forces will make come true is what you have decided and what you want to achieve. There is no need to think about how to utilize other forces, such as, ``What can I do to get the other force called the subconscious mind to make my wishes come true?'' Thinking about it only brings out your ego. Please feel free to decide your thoughts freely and without holding back from anyone!

Once you have made up your mind, how you spend your time is up to you. Please feel free to spend your time as you like. The question of whether or not you can move on your own, as mentioned in the example above, has no bearing on the realization of your desires as long as you have made up your mind. You can freely decide to do it if you want to do it, or don't do it if you don't want to.

If you let go of your anxious ego and leave it to others, you won't have time to think about things, and you'll have more free time. It might be a good idea to start a hobby you've always wanted to do!

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