
Series: Your Questions and Concerns #22 – I want to reconcile with the guy I’ve been dating for a month after meeting on a dating app, but I don’t know much about him. Is it okay if my feelings and who he is don’t match?

Hello, it's Iruru here.

In this ongoing series, we select questions from our blog readers and YouTube viewers that we think might be helpful to many people and provide answers (we may adjust the content of the questions to ensure privacy).

You want to reunion with your ex using the power of your subconscious mind, but you only dated for a month, and you don't really know much about him. In such a situation, how would you go about making a decision about your feelings?

We met through an app and had a fun time together, but we broke up after a month. I've only been on a few dates with him, so I don't really know what he likes or what kind of person he is. But for some reason, it clicked with me, I really liked him, and I wanted to somehow get back together with him, so I met my subconscious.

When it comes to realizing your desires subconsciously, it's like, ``Because I think so, it will happen.'' I want to decide what will happen with him, but since I don't know him too much, I can't tell if I'm imagining a future with him or if I'm just imagining my ideal. I'm worried about what would happen if he was completely different from my ideals.

Instead of imagining him, maybe it's better to imagine being in love with your ideal boyfriend? But I still want to get back together with him.

Can you reconcile with someone even if you don't know much about them?

If you've been dating him for two or three years, you may have a good idea of what he likes, what kind of personality he has, etc.

However, if you are not an acquaintance, especially if you met someone through an internet matchmaking site or app, and you have only been together for a few dates, there are cases where you may not know much about the person. Maybe.

Still, something stuck out to me and I realized it was this person! You may think so.

If you find yourself thinking, ``I don't know him that well, but it's definitely him!'', I hope that you can get back together. When you fall in love, it doesn't matter when you met or how long you were together!

If you want to achieve romantic success through your subconscious mind, it's all about 'believing it will happen, and it will.'"

All you have to do is decide what you want to achieve. It doesn't matter if you don't have many mutual acquaintances and can't keep in touch, if your only clue is through an app, or if you can't meet because you're far away.

All you have to do is decide what you want to accomplish with him.

What if the real him turns out to be different from what I imagine?

If you want to realize your desires subconsciously, the only rule is, "Because you think so, it becomes so."

Even if you meet a guy on an app and break up with him after a month, if you decide to get back together and love him, it will just happen.

And A decided that he was in love with him!

However, since we had just started dating and I didn't know much about him, I found myself thinking, ``What if the way I thought he was and the way he actually was was completely different?'' However, in the subconscious mind, when it comes to realizing a wish, “because I think so, it will happen”.

It doesn't matter whether the person you think about is different from the person he actually is.


Since you don't know much about him in the first place, you can't be sure if he's the same as you imagine.

So, perhaps you can use that to your advantage and, for now, set aside the idea of the real him. Is it okay to think about what kind of date you'd like with him or what kind of life you'd like to have with him, based on your own preferences?"

However, some people who tend to be reserved or who are good at paying attention to their surroundings may think, if I decide my own thoughts, won't I end up controlling him?'' yeah. In fact, Mr. A seemed to be worried about that.

But it's okay.

Because all you have to do is decide what you think inside! (lol)

You won't be causing any inconvenience to anyone. You're simply making decisions freely, so it's okay to think as selfishly as you want without worrying about conforming to reality. While you can't change the other person, various circumstances around you may change, and in the process of your feelings coming true, you might feel that the other person has changed too. So, please feel free to make your decisions as you see fit.


The desires I want to fulfill are ahead.

It doesn't matter whether you know him or not, all you have to do is decide what you want to achieve. He just decides what he really wants to achieve.

Only you can know whether you want to get back together with him, or whether you want to find love with someone other than him, so listen to your heart.


Once you've made your decision, it's as if it's already come true. From there, I hope you enjoy the things you need to do, want to do, love to do, and things that bring you joy, savoring the daily happiness.

I know various egos might surface, but just keep ignoring them, simply ignore them, and bask in the feeling of having your wishes granted!

With love, Iruru ♡

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