
♡If you utilize your subconscious mind, the “cause and process of the breakup” has nothing to do with it in the slightest.

People who want to get back together are now separated because of something like that or something like that.

When you are apart, you may find yourself thinking about things like this or that, for example.

“At that time, that one word was the reason why we lost touch with each other.”
"I'd like to at least apologize, but I can't contact you..."
“I was dumped so badly, but I wonder if we can really get back together.”
"We broke up after a fight, but what if I find someone else while we're apart?"


I can totally understand the feeling of being reminded of something that happened in the past, that caused this situation, and feeling anxious about what will happen in the future.

I understand though.

It's a "subconscious mind" because there's nothing you can do about it right now, right?

Does that mean "leave it to others"?

If that's the case, it would be faster to give up on your own efforts.

``Self-reliance'' means, as I just mentioned, thinking about things that happened in the past or things like that, and making judgments by looking at the scenery called reality that unfolds in front of you. .

Deliberately pull uncomfortable thoughts into the “now”

Do you understand?
How futile is the ego called "thinking"?

Since you broke up with your partner, it's obvious that the reason or cause was that you weren't comfortable with it.

No matter how you look at it, don't you think it's ``only do harm, no good''?

Why do we go to the trouble of bringing up things that are so harmful to us now and keep thinking about them forever?

This is what can be called the ego's trap, and the ego uses past experiences and ideas as a base to say, ``


Because it was like that then,'' ``It's supposed to be like this from now on.''

It seems plausible at first glance, but if you look closely, you can only reach extremely inconvenient conclusions like "1 + 1 = minus 100!!" or "What? Did you think through a lot of processes to do this? The calculation formula is also messed up." .

The ego tries to think of what it should do to achieve its goal of getting back together, but it is the same as setting up obstacles to prevent it from achieving its goal. It becomes.

Thoughts are not your own

“At that time, that one word was the reason why we lost touch with each other.”
"I'd like to at least apologize, but I can't contact you..."
“I was dumped so badly, but I wonder if we can really get back together.”
"We broke up after a fight, but what if I find someone else while we're apart?"

As for why it's so hard to let go of this ``all harm, no good'' ego, the answer is simple.

Because you think that  the thought is mine.

“Isn’t it obvious?” you think, right?
But it's not "natural" lol

I would like to tell you more about this, but for now,

Please think of it as something like, ``My thoughts don't really belong to me.''

Although it's not your own, when the ego called thinking starts to stir up, I think the anxiety and fear is very real.

It's not very true, but it's hard to believe that something so real is not you.

But it's okay to be absent-minded, so remember that ``thoughts are not your own,'' and when you realize that you've started thinking things like ``I haven't seen LINE.


I wonder if they hate me,'' you can think, ``Oh, I'm going to say something again.'' Just let it go like a casual thought and say, ``I've started.''

At first, you may be so assimilated as ``your own'' that you may not even know what the ego is, but you'll gradually understand it, and once you figure it out, you can simply throw it away without any questions asked, so it's okay.

Regarding thoughts, ♡ Do not inherit second thoughts. Dante is the only one who can “think” I think this article will also be helpful, so if you are interested, please read it ♡

Your ego may whisper things like, ``If you want to get back together, you have to seriously think about the path to get there, because it won't work out (dirty voice)'', but if you leave it to your subconscious mind, think about the path. If you let go of unnecessary thoughts and let go of unnecessary thoughts, you will quickly see the future you want ♡

I wrote about the ego as if it were the enemy, but you could also say that it's protecting itself, so it's not necessarily a bad person.

It's just that we can only predict the conclusion based on our past experiences and ideas, but at least in our subconscious mind, when we get back together, we say out loud that it's "completely unnecessary" and "it doesn't matter in the slightest." I would like to keep it lol

Let's make miracles happen easily.


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