
In this approach, it’s not about whether it’s “right,” but whether it “feels right.”

How is your Golden Week going? This is Meguru.

I've noticed that people who want to get back together with their ex-partners often find their way to LoveSync Attraction and watch various videos. Afterward, they sometimes ask:

Is this method the right one?

I completely understand the desire to seek validation from others and confirm if this method is the correct one.


Instead of thinking, “Is this the right way to do it?”
Ask yourself, “Does this approach feel right?”
Focus firmly on yourself, the person you should trust most, rather than on someone or something.

I'd like to talk about the importance of this process, which I believe is incredibly valuable.

First and foremost, before getting into the details of the "method," it's essential to understand the fundamental principle: "Because I think this way, it will happen."

There can't be any mistakes in the "thought" that you've chosen for yourself.

The subconscious mind says, ``Because I think so, it will happen''.

If you apply this to love, you'll fall in love with him because you think you're in love with him.

All you have to do is say, "I think so.

In other words, you will decide and set your ``feelings'' of ``lovey-dovey with him.'

Honestly, there's nothing else to do.

Please make sure you understand this first.

So, what is "how to do it"?

If you say, "Because I think so, then it will happen," it means "how I decide what I think."

How do I decide on this 'thought'?" ⇒ "Thought" is something that you set for yourself based on how you want to be and how you want to live your life.

It could be "Loving and loved with him" or "Happy and married me," or anything else you choose. Setting your way of being is what matters.

Sometimes, people ask, "Is this the right way?" after making some kind of setting. However, I don't have the answer to that.

Whether it's right or not, that's something only you can know.

When we say "right," it often implies seeking a sense of correctness or incorrectness. However, it's not about that.

Does it feel right to you?

I believe it's better to set your guidance based on this to you.

When you ask if something is "right," it often feels like you need someone else's validation to get an answer. However, when you ask if something "feels right," it becomes a matter with answers only within yourself.

The method of discarding and ignoring the ego varies from person to person.


Apart from the principle of 'Because I think this way, it becomes this way.' one of the common areas where people seek advice is on how to deal with their ego.

I mentioned earlier that the subconscious works on the principle of "Because I think this way, it will happen." Setting your "thought" is all there is to it. However, many people often find themselves thinking:

"But I'm still concerned about reality." "But my ego keeps telling me 'it's impossible,' and it's painful."

In those moments, they start seeking methods to address these issues.

Even if you care about reality, don't worry about reality.

Ultimately, there is nothing else but this.

In the first place, reality itself is neutral.

You looked at his social media. You heard some things about him from friends. You had the opportunity to meet him.

I often hear stories about how people become really concerned about reality when they come across various things related to their ex, such as checking their ex's social media, hearing stories about them from friends, or having the opportunity to meet them. However, it's essential to understand that these actions on their own are just neutral events in reality.

You looked at his social media.

You heard stories about him from friends.

You met him.

That's just the story.


You looked at his social media (reality) ⇒ There's another woman I don't know, it's over, impossible (ego). You heard stories about him from friends (reality) ⇒ It seems he's not interested in dating me anymore, it's over, impossible (ego). You met him (reality) ⇒ He was distant. Shocking. It's over, impossible (ego).

Well, aside from these scenarios, there are cases where someone might be constantly thinking about him even if there's no communication in reality.

In the past, we had various experiences with him, so maybe he doesn't like me anymore (Ego). I wonder how he's doing now, but there's no contact, so it's probably hopeless (Ego). Even if things go well with him, I wonder if he'll change in the future. I hope he's gotten rid of his cheating habits (Ego).

And so on, I keep thinking about him all the time, and I even go out of my way to think about him in a negative way.

It's over, it's impossible, it's hopeless." Reacting this way is the ego speaking.

The ego automatically reacts to neutral reality, past unpleasant events, or future anxieties, becoming intertwined with them and getting tossed around. This is why it becomes painful and difficult.

And at this time, You want to know how to do it.

When the ego becomes overwhelming, you often want to know what to do and seek the "way" to handle it.

What feels right for you" is something only you can understand.

When ego surfaces, there's nothing you can do about it. LoveSync Attraction consistently emphasizes this.

Because, as mentioned earlier, it's just a reaction.

That's why I say, ``Don't worry too much about your ego coming out, just throw it away.''

Please discard it.

Please let it flow freely.

Please ignore it.

Let it pass from right to left.

In the videos, I may use different expressions at times, but they all mean the same thing: "Just observe without getting caught up in it.

Here,some people  tried to discard it, but they couldn't, asking like what should I do?

If you can't discard it and find it difficult or painful, it means you've turned it into an emotion you can't simply ignore.

In such cases, it's important to...

I sometimes suggest that  instead of trying to discard it, you should allow yourself to be okay with not being able to do so?

The basic approach is to discard it. If that's not possible, then forgive yourself for not being able to discard it.

So, how to discard the ego when it comes up is truly unique for each individual.
Some people imagine throwing it outside like crumpling up a piece of paper.

Some people let go as if they are talking to their ego, saying, "Thank you for everything, but it's time to say goodbye.

Some people just get over it no matter how intense their emotions are.
Everyone does it differently.

If there are 100 people, there are 100 ways to do it.

The important thing here is that instead of scrutinizing whether the method is correct, the key is to use "Does this feel right to me?" as your guide.

What feels right to you is something that only you can know.

n brought his consciousness to the “here and now” with “brain live broadcasting”

Instead of focusing on whether the method is right, focus on whether it resonates with you. Using this as a guideline, when setting your 'thoughts,' you can rely on your own senses to decide what suits you best, what feels right for you, what brings you a sense of comfort, and what makes you feel bright and cheerful.

Even when the ego surfaces, you can handle it in a way that resonates with you, and you'll be able to set your 'thoughts' that align with your true self.

I'd like to share a comment from N, who recently left a comment on YouTube, which I found to be really insightful.


In the YouTube video ``Consciousness Change from Celebration/Reunion Reports'', I took a hint from the story of Mr. M, who thought ``Yes, I am cute as I am walking~''.

How about this: no matter what you do, try narrating it in your mind like this - 'Yes, I'm being completely adored by him, we're so in love, and I'm the happiest girlfriend in the world, so I'm doing [your activity].' I tried this, and it worked wonders!

Breaking down [your activity] into smaller steps like "I'm putting on my earphones," "I'm watching Hōme Ren," "I'm drinking water," and constantly imprinting "Being in love with him" while focusing on the "Here and now" became the only option.

As a result, the ego subsided, and I started noticing even small changes in myself, thinking, "Hey, did something just shift?"

Furthermore, if I fit the emerging ego into [your activity],

Yes, I am the happiest person in my life, being doted on by him and being his beloved girlfriend, but I keep thinking that he might be seeing another woman...don't you ever stop???'' You can push yourself.

Breaking down [your activity] into smaller steps like "I'm putting on my earphones," "I'm watching Hōme Ren," "I'm drinking water," and constantly imprinting "Being in love with him" while focusing on the "Here and now" became the only option. As a result, the ego subsided, and I started noticing even small changes in myself, thinking, "Hey, did something just shift?"


Furthermore, if I fit the emerging ego into [your activity], the coherence of the text breaks down, causing my brain to glitch and making me feel more composed. The eruption of the ego becomes ridiculous.


By imprinting "Being in love with him," you constantly confirm, "How do I want to be?" while ignoring reality, returning your consciousness to the present moment. By observing yourself and repelling the ego, you can manage it effectively.


I recommend doing it around the clock, but even just doing it for an hour makes a significant difference, so I thought it might be helpful for someone. ♡♡♡


Regarding the past videos that n watched,

It can be seen that  n has found his own way to "live live broadcast in his head" while using LoveSync Attraction's report video as a hint. I've been doing well for a long time, but I'm still doing this and that on a daily basis. If you do a live broadcast like that, it's likely that every time you broadcast it, the image of ``me doing really well'' will be input into your brain.

I think it can be said that this method suited Mr. N very well, but of course it does not suit everyone.

The important thing to consider at this time is, ``Will it fit me?''

Only you can answer whether it's a good fit or not.

What do I think?” In the end, you realize that that's all that matters, so your attitude of demanding a certain way fades, and you begin to focus more on how you feel, whether it's right for you, and what you want to do.

Once you come to the realization that the answers lie within yourself, rather than continually seeking solutions from others,

Of the subconscious mind's ``Because you think so, it will happen'', ``I think'' is everything. What I kept repeating over and over again,  you are the starting point of creation,'' became clear-cut and led to a firm feeling that ``I should have focused on myself.'' I think it is.


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