
No way! You’re not procrastinating on your “thoughts,” are you?

Hello. This is Meguru.
May 8, 2023 I started Voicy this month, and I am updating it every day! !
Everyone, please follow us!


And, you know, since I'm immersed in LoveSync Attraction
every day now, I might be able to share things in my blogs that I hadn't written about before (as a side effect, haha).

So, in this blog, it's all about procrastination. Procrastination on your "thoughts." Have you ever thought something like, "I will definitely reconcile within this year!" or "I'll definitely get a message within a month!"?

Setting goals within a certain year or month can give you a sense of empowerment, but hold on a second! Deciding to reconcile "within this year" might actually be postponing the realization that "it's okay not to reconcile this year." It's like accidentally stumbling into a pitfall, right?

Things are going well for me, but I want to get back together this year! !

In LoveSync Attraction, I've been saying it over and over again: your subconscious mind operates on the principle of "what you think, you become."

When applied to love, it becomes "I'll become loving with him because I think that way about him." So, I'm just saying that you should decide on your "thoughts" like "I'll be loving with him." In fact, that's all I've been saying.

Now, if there's a trick to deciding on your "thoughts," it's to do it with the consciousness that it's already working perfectly. So, considering this, the previous example becomes:

We've been doing well for a long time, but we'll definitely get back together within this year!"

"I'm doing well, but I'll be hearing from you within a month!

It does seem contradictory, doesn't it? There are indeed contradictions in those statements. Saying, "You and your partner are already deeply in love, so you will get back together by the end of the year!" does sound quite odd when you're already supposed to be in a loving relationship.

The postponement of "thoughts" may have the potential to distance realization.

Of course, set a deadline to motivate yourself and do your best! I think there are some people who think so.

I don't deny trying to do things on my own at all.

However, Praise♡Len is a blog about subconscious desirefulfillment!

Once you have decided that you want to be in love with him, knowing that everything is going well, the basics are to leave the rest to others.

So, right now, in this moment, I decided to be in love with him.
This is the main point and everything.

Now, now, now!

The starting point of "thoughts" is not the arguments or breakups with him at that time (in the past). It's not about the current issues and difficulties with him that are not going well now (in the present).
It's not.

The starting point is always now, in this moment, because the past, present situation, and future worries don't matter.

So, if things were going well, what would you like to do with him?'' Decide on your thoughts.

From now on, no matter what reality unfolds in front of you, you are already deeply in love with him. I want you to maintain that feeling.

Even if the current situation in front of you is that you haven't reunited yet, it's just a current state. To be fixated on it, to stare at it, is...

Even though you should have decided to be ``in love with him,'' it ends up being the same as deciding ``Okay, we'll get back together this year!!!''

It's extremery wasteful!

Voicy#11 まさか、「思い」の先延ばししてないよね?はこちら❤


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