
♡ From “I want to get back together” to “I already have it”

Hello, this is Meguru.

I want to get back together with him.

I think many people who think that way visit this site.

Wanting to reconcile with him means you are not currently reconciled.

What I want to achieve (I want to get back together) is something that hasn't come true (I haven't gotten back together). Of course.

I want to drink coffee with the same feeling.

"I want to drink coffee" means,
"I'm not drinking coffee right now."

That's what it means.

What I want to achieve (I want to drink coffee) is something that has not come true (I don't drink coffee). This is the same.

But,you can drink a cup of coffee after one minutes, if you desire it, can't you?

Reconciliation, in essence, is the same. If you decide to reconcile, it should be possible within a minute. So why does the desire to "reconcile" often linger as an ongoing wish?

The feeling of knowing that it will definitely come true

Why do I keep saying "I want to get back together" and "I want to make it come true"?

The answer is simple: ``I want to get back together'' tends to remain a wish like the below.

My ex-boyfriend is definitely good,
My ex-boyfriend is good no matter what,
I can't think of anything other than my ex-boyfriend,
I like my ex-boyfriend no matter what,
I don’t want it to be my ex-boyfriend! ! ! ! !

Like this
I want to get back together.”
“I want to get back together.”
“I want to get back together.”
“I want to get back together.”
“I want to get back together.”
We got back together! ! ! !

In the end, I feel like I'm holding on to the state I want to achieve.

You really like your ex-boyfriend that much, right?
Does that mean you like him that much?
If so, this level of obsession is superior.
I want them to get back together no matter what.

However, I wanted you to listen to this.
“I want to drink coffee” is also a desire, right?

But many people consider it a desire with a known certainty of fulfillment.

Your strong desire to reconcile with your ex may indeed be a "desire with a known certainty of fulfillment.

Shift to “I am already realized”

In LoveSync Attraction,

Applying the subconscious law ``Because you think so, it becomes so'' to love, ``I think I'm in love with him, so I'm in love with him.''

I'm telling you.

So, I think that this ``thought'' of ``lovey-dovey with him'' is a ``way of being,'' and it's a feeling that expresses how you want to be.

What kind of person am I who is getting along so well with him?

I want you to try to set up your own way of living and being with him like this.

So, this time?
When deciding how to be,

Don't you think it's strange to decide that you want to get back together with your ex-boyfriend no matter what?

Isn't it a bit strange why the way you live your life is, ``I want to get back together!!!''

Some people may say, "I just want to hear from my ex-boyfriend!", but it's also weird to say, "I want to hear from you!"

Things are going so well, what do you want to do with him in the future?

I want you to dicide that part.

When deciding on that, it shouldn't be about me wanting to get back together.

Instead of being the person I am who keeps saying ``I want to do something'' based on my wishes, I should be ``the person I am who has already come true,'' such as ``I am the happiest person in love with my boyfriend.''

Is it ``the me who has already realized it'' or will it remain ``the me who wants to get back together'' forever?

If you adopt the mentality of "I am already living it," even if your current partner is distant, and your ego is clamoring with thoughts like, "I want to reconcile.


Maybe it's impossible by now," you won't remain stuck as "the person who wants to reconcile forever."

Focus on the ``me that has already come true'' and consciously try to look at that.

Originally, it is a world where things come true as soon as you do what you think.

For those of you who think, "Is it coming true the moment I thought about it? I don't understand," I think you can think of it as a world in which you are guaranteed that your dream will come true as soon as you say what you think it is.

``I want to drink coffee'' is a desire, but you said that it is a desire that you know will definitely come true.

The same goes for "I want to get back together." The moment you decide that you want to be happy and lovey-dovey with him, you are living in a world where things have come true but are promised.

I already know that it will definitely come true. Please feel this way.

Needless to say, it's the ``Law of Attraction'' book. Choose the super translated version or whichever you prefer!

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