
Can you become rich with the subconscious law ‘What you think, you become’? [Practical Experience]

Hello, it's Iruru. LoveSync Attraction usually focuses on love and reconciliation, but today I'd like to write a special edition on the topic of money.

Can you become rich using the rules of your subconscious mind?

The law of the subconscious mind is something that we always talk about in LoveSync Attraction, and it's simply, "You become what you think." I consider this to be a law that applies to everything, not just a method.

So, it applies to all aspects of life, not just reconciliation but also one-sided love and anything else. Therefore, it naturally applies to money as well. So, if you think of yourself as wealthy, you are wealthy.

Conversely, if you can't believe you're wealthy, then you'll continue to be in a state of not believing it.

Many people might have the strong perception that money is something you receive as compensation for doing something.


For example, they might think, "I want money, but I work hard every day, so it's not easy to come by!" or "I'm currently making only 150,000 yen, and I'm not even doing a side job, so I don't feel like I can become rich at all!" Some people might feel this way.

Even on Twitter, when I asked a little, I received questions like these:

  • I want to increase my temporary income (lottery, sales).
  • I intend to be wealthy, but it's not happening.
  • I feel guilty about spending money.
  • I want to be financially comfortable, but I'm barely making ends meet.
  • I want to start my own business, but I don't have the funds.

I will answer these questions in the Q&A section at the end of this article.

When you don't have money, you might think about how to earn it in various ways, but from the perspective of subconscious mind manifestation, the process is entirely left to the subconscious mind. The only thing you need to do is believe that "I will become wealthy." That's truly all there is to it.

In my second year of independence, my savings hit rock bottom.

I myself have experienced some real financial struggles, but now I am a sole proprietor with an annual revenue of about eight digits.

While I do wish I had more money, I have definitely gained more financial comfort compared to a certain period in the past.

When I look back at the time when I had financial difficulties, there was clearly a turning point. After becoming independent and working diligently, I was consistently in the red, and by my second year, my savings were almost depleted.


The money I had saved from my previous salary job, which was in the millions, was almost gone after covering the losses of a single year.


It was a really tough period. I had credit cards, but I often used them to their limit, and sometimes I was late on payments. I was even in debt. Especially after my savings ran out, I was anxious every day, desperately calculating how much money would come in each month. It was like a constant struggle.

When I was a salaryman, I didn't pay much attention to my finances because money was accumulating without much effort. I didn't even know where my money was going each month. After becoming independent, I initially spent money without much thought.


I made unnecessary ongoing expenses, purchased expensive services I didn't need, and made many mistakes.


I was so focused on getting through each month that my mindset was constantly shouting, "I don't have money, I don't have money!" (laughs)

During that time, I watched "The Secret" DVD and read "The Magic of Thinking Big," and I believe these experiences played a role in changing my financial situation.

Is it true that thoughts become reality?

I bought the DVD of The Secret at the recommendation of a friend, and the visuals were very easy to understand and the content was shocking, so I watched it many times.
It was one of the reasons why I thought, ``The Law of Attraction is real, and it's not some weird cult-like thing.''

When I watched the DVD, I thought, ``This is a world where what I imagined came true.''
And, ``Thoughts come true regardless of whether they are negative or positive.''

``Then I thought I didn't have any money, but I still don't have any money!'' I thought, and was quite shocked.

On the DVD, the video shows how you are actually attracting what you think in your head, and this is easy to understand, and when you find yourself thinking something negative, you suddenly realize it and think, ``Oh. What I just said is a lie!” (laughs)

Also, I watched the DVD,
``Thoughts become reality, but in order to speed up the process, it's best to first experience the feelings you feel when those thoughts come true.
And it is important to continue to act as if you have achieved your goal.”
With this understanding, while going about my day-to-day work, I sometimes meditated and said affirmations, allowing myself to be the person I wanted to be.

As for affirmations, I used to do things like ``Oh, I never thought I'd reach ◯◯ million a month so quickly'' while calculating my finances every day.
This sentence doesn't make me think that my monthly income will actually be ◯◯ million yen, but since I'm in a situation where I'm saying that line, I can easily make the affirmation, and it worked for me.

About half a year after I started, I actually achieved my goal.

Is having money related to being able to make donations?

Another thing that made me feel like my mindset had completely changed was that I started the habit of ``donating change from convenience stores,'' which is mentioned in ``The Elephant That Makes Dreams Come True'' that I introduced earlier.

Until then, I had never done anything called "donation." ``I heard somewhere that even if you don't have money, you should donate 10% of your income, but I guess you can't do that much.'' People who donate are rich people, people from a different world than me, etc. That's what I was thinking.

But somehow I decided to read the book and give it a try.
However, since I can't donate that much, I've decided on a rule for myself: ``I'll put the 1-yen and 5-yen coins in the donation box at the convenience store.''
Even so, it was a rule that made me quite nervous at the time.

So when I first put it in, even though it was such a small amount, I felt like I had given away some wealth to someone else.
I now think that at that time, I had become ``the one with money'' for a moment.
Maybe I had the concept that ``I have money, so I can donate.''

Nowadays, we are becoming more and more cashless, so we may not be using cash at convenience stores as much anymore, but there are still many small donations that can be easily made online. There are also services that allow you to donate by sending clean, unwanted items rather than money, so if you're thinking about giving it a try, you might want to take advantage of those services.

Wealth flows through oneself and circulates.

When I didn't have money and constantly thought, "I don't have enough," I began to experience having money little by little by making donations and practicing affirmations. As I repeated this process, I started to notice that money was flowing more naturally.

Looking back, I realized that when I didn't have money, I used to feel a lot of discomfort when spending it. But as I transformed into the version of myself that has money, I began to see money as energy. Instead of thinking in terms of "having or not having money," I started to view it as "using money, and wealth flows through me."

As wealth flows through me, I become richer, and the people or businesses I spend money on also become wealthier. Money is a form of energy that circulates through spending.

Thinking this way has enriched my life both emotionally and financially. My mindset towards money has shifted, and my financial situation improved without me even realizing it. I believe this was one of the turning points.

The key is to envision your ideal "wealthy self" and start becoming that person right now. It really is as simple as that.

I hope this can be of some inspiration to you.

However, since this is just my own experience, each person's feelings are different, and just copying the method won't necessarily result in the same result, so I hope you read this with that in mind.

Questions and Answers from Everyone

We will answer questions asked on Twitter. Thank you to everyone who asked questions!

Q1. I want to increase extra income (lottery, sales)

A1. There were also other questions about lottery tickets and increasing sales, but I think the answer would be to always be a rich person, without categorizing them into "extra income," "lottery," or "increasing sales." I thought not.
Also, what would you like to do if you had extra income?
I think it's a good idea to start working on what you want to achieve from now on.

Q2: I intend to be wealthy, but it's not happening.

A2: As I've mentioned in the video, it might be helpful to clarify what kind of person your wealthy self is and start becoming that person now. For instance, my vision of a wealthy self was someone who could "make donations." In addition, I had specific actions that aligned with this vision, such as buying slightly more expensive items that I would cherish for a long time, taking trips regularly, and making generous offerings at shrines. I began doing these things to feel like my "wealthy self" right from that moment. Remember, it's all about becoming that version of yourself from the present.

Q3: I feel guilty about spending money.

A3: Personally, I'd say it's okay to have feelings of guilt, and it's important to forgive yourself. You could also shift your perspective from viewing it as "spending money" to appreciating the services and the people involved in creating what you're buying. For example, if you're buying expensive cosmetics, think about all the people involved in making those products and how your purchase supports them. It can help you feel more abundant.

Q4: I want to be financially comfortable, but I'm living paycheck to paycheck.

A4: It might be beneficial to clearly define what being "financially comfortable" means to you. For me, when I was struggling financially, being "financially comfortable" meant being able to "casually shop at convenience stores without worrying about the prices" and "having a certain amount of money in my bank account at all times, so I don't stress about credit card payments." When you're feeling overwhelmed, affirmations can help. For example, "I couldn't afford to shop casually at convenience stores back then, but now I can," or "I'm grateful not to worry about credit card payments anymore." It can help remove the fog of anxiety from your mind. Meditation could be beneficial if your ego is strong.

Q5: I want to start my own business, but I don't have the capital.

A5: "I don't have the capital" might seem like a very reasonable excuse for not starting a business, but in reality, many people start businesses without significant capital. In practical terms, even without capital, you can borrow money, use crowdfunding, apply for grants and subsidies, and raise funds in various ways. The essential point is whether you truly want to start your business. When you have genuinely decided to start a business, lack of money won't be a reason anymore. But if you're putting a stop to it, then I believe it's not about the money, but rather a lack of a firm decision to start your business. So, I suggest listening to your heart in that regard.

Thank you for reading till the end. You can find more about money-related topics in my videos.

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