
It’s impossible for the only person who wants to get back together to say “no”!

Hello! Have you been doing well?

This year's Golden Week is a Golden Week at home.
It will be a unique golden week that you will rarely experience in your life.

For those who have lost touch with the boyfriend they want to get back together with, or who have blocked them on LINE, this ``Home Golden Week'' may be an added blow to their relationship.

There is something I would like to tell you.

This “Home Golden Week” was originally started by the new coronavirus, right? The new coronavirus is invisible, isn't it?

You can see it under a microscope (corona means the sun, right? It was named that because it looks similar when seen under a microscope)

But it's not something you can see like a wallet sitting right in front of you. Still, even though you can't see it, you still think that the new coronavirus is there, right?

This time, I would like to talk about that ^^

What kind of situation do you mean by "reconciled"?

I would like to ask those of you who want to get back together but think it's not possible.

First of all, what does it mean to be “reunited”?

I think the basic premise is that the person is right there in front of you.

After we became lovers

Feel free to contact me anytime
I can also use LINE and make phone calls.
Of course, we can also go on dates when we both have holidays.

This is the situation, right?

But, but, but, please think about it.

It's a given, but unless you're living together,

Isn't it more of a situation where "that person is right in front of you"?

Well, even if you live together, it would be the same if you were a couple who both went out for work.

It's less likely that you'll be able to see that person right in front of you, right?

The same goes for couples who meet on the weekends.
Other situations where the person is right in front of me are rarer.

So, why is the state of ``having that person right in front of you'' now as if it is an ``absolute condition''?

Some people may not have the absolute condition of having that person in front of them.

If so, what kind of situation do you mean by "being in a relationship"?
Think about it for a moment.

Is it about saying “I like you” or “I love you” to each other?
Does that mean they have a physical relationship?

However, to put it maliciously, people who can say it ``even if we're not dating'' can say it, and people who can do it can do it.

Ability to use LINE and make phone calls.

You can do this with friends and family as much as you want, even if you're not dating.

If you think about it, the definition of ``going out'' is quite vague.

Deep down inside of us, we know the ambiguity of ``dating'', so we want to leave behind a proof through the system of ``marriage,'' which is written in a marriage registration and left as a public record! I wonder if some people think so? That's what I think. (← I have a very sloppy view of marriage lol. I just wrote that because of the context ♡)

I don't know what you're trying to say, lol. There are so many things that are "invisible", aren't there actually more things that can't be seen? ? That's what I want to say!

Even though you can't see it, it's definitely there ♡

Right now, you have your favorite cup in front of you, filled with delicious coffee from a coffee maker.

While drinking it, I am typing away at my computer.

This is Meguru's current state, but yes, I do have cups, coffee, and a laptop!

It's right in front of you.

Let's move to the bedroom for a moment.

So what do you think?

The cup and coffee I left in the living room and my laptop are no longer in front of me.

But even if you're in your bedroom, don't you think, ``If I go to the living room, I'll find a cup, coffee, and laptop?''

Do you understand?

Actually, we have a special skill that allows us to believe that something exists even if it is not right in front of us lol.

I think there are many people who are self-isolating at home right now, but for those who are working, you think that your company is there even though it's not in front of you right now, right?  

You don't doubt that at all, do you? ?

When the state of emergency is lifted, I think there are almost no people who can't sleep at night because they're so worried that even if they go to work, there might not be a company.

Well, we're back together.

Even though there are so many things that are not right in front of my eyes, I often think that they actually are and don't doubt them, so why do I believe and doubt that the guy who wants to get back together is not right in front of me? Isn't there?

Isn't that the same situation as thinking, ``What if the state of emergency is lifted and the company no longer exists? After all, it doesn't exist right in front of me.''

Why do you think that the only person you care about is not in front of you?

Even if it's not right in front of me, I can think of things like my office, my computer, and my coffee cup as being there, so why is he the only one who thinks they're not there?

It is, Meguru thinks it's because he has set some "conditions" for himself.

I often write about it on this blog, but

First unblocked,
I got a call,
I am now able to contact you more frequently,
I was asked to try again,
It turned out to be Tsukiia

There are a number of conditions like this.

If you set such a condition, unless you set that condition and go through that step, it will not become ``a certain'' state.

But please notice that this is strange.

I mean, is there any condition for recognizing that your favorite computer is there when it's not in front of you right now?

On the other hand, isn't it more difficult to think that something isn't there just because it isn't right in front of you? ? ?

There may be times when you say, ``I forgot to bring it today, so it's missing.'' But you probably won't admit that it's ``missing.''

I'm sure you can't say "no". At the very least, Meguru cannot confirm that there is no such thing even if he stands on his head.

After all, there is! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Well, then, then, isn't that the case with the boyfriend you want to get back together with? ! !

You shouldn't think "no".

After all, there is! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

There is. Is there.
It doesn't matter what anyone says.

What happens when your friend tells you that your favorite computer no longer exists? But there? I have it in my house?

You can say that, right?  Isn't this a story that is so ridiculous that it's ignored from right to left?

After all, there is! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Isn't that the case with boyfriends who want to get back together? ! !

After all, there is! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Anything beyond this will be an endless repeat, so that's all lol!

I wrote this as a powerful message for those of you who feel a little depressed about Golden Week!
Please receive this high power energy (always high power lol) ♡

On this happy day, let's spend each day happily and cheerfully.
Have a wonderful Golden Week!

Well, please enjoy the video below.

Even if you don't contact us now, let's set up a lovey-dovey setting in the future! ,is!

It's been a long time since I've heard from you, seriously. So I want you to decide what's next! I made this thinking

LoveSync Attraction is looking for love consultation.
If you have any questions, please contact

I would be happy if you could write your Twitter account in your name. (not required)

Then, I read your blog and got back together! It came true! ! ! Please tell me again!

I am always grateful for your help! LOVE♡♡


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