
There are many methods for manifesting desires through the subconscious mind when you start looking into it

LoveSync Attraction'' applies the subconscious ``Because you think so,  it will happen'' to love, and uses various techniques to teach you the simple rule of ``I think I'm in love with him, so I'm in love with him.'

Hello, this is Meguru.

When we apply the subconscious “I think so, it will happen” to love.
"I think I'm in love with him, so I'm going to be in love with him."

It's such a simple story, but it's so simple that it's hard to believe.

I can’t see my thoughts, but will they come true?”
Give me proof that it's true."

The ego becomes agitated, and as a result, while staring at reality, it ends up spinning a story based on the reality that is not going well.

And after a while...

“I guess it hasn’t come true after all.”
"Just because I think so means it will happen, it's not happening! Angry."

And,Using this reality that has gone awry as a starting point, he continues to weave another fictional story...

It's off the way.


It's not to the point from the beginning.

From the beginning?

Yes, from the first, it's out of the way.

You don't have to be polite about the past

In the first place, the fact that we broke up (if we take it as a fact that we broke up),

Reality is not like that for you, right?

Well then, you don't have any regrets about that reality, do you?

Instead of starting from such a deviant point and creating an even more deviant story, why not just decide what kind of person you want to be and how you want to be with him?

At LoveSync Attraction, we will show you that way of being,

I am happy and in love with him

Of course, this differs from person to person, so all you have to do is stick to the way of being that suits you best.

Why are you so honest about the past, and what's more, you start from something that you don't think is very good for you?

Are you trying to develop a complicated story like ``From there, it's a huge turnaround!''?

Isn't it a hassle?

The reason is probably this.

Because there is a past and there is a present.
He accepts his current situation and moves forward into the future.

Because I think so, I end up digging into the past.

But, I've been blogging about Homeren for almost two years now, you know that I've been continued saying that's not true. The past has nothing to do with it at all."

The past has nothing to do with it.
Therefore, you are free to decide how you want to be.

Do “I think so” while saying “It will be”

I wonder if a lot of people tend to fall into this trap? I think this is how it goes.

I decided that I wanted to be in love with him.

Looking for evidence in reality

You can find out that “it hasn’t come true after all”

Starting with “It hasn’t come true after all” and finishing with “Lovey-dovey with him”

Looking for evidence in reality

You will find the “crying that will never come true”

Overlaying the “crying that will never come true” with “lovey-dovey with him”

Even if you decide that you want to be in love with him, the moment you start looking for evidence in reality, it becomes reality-based.


This is the beginning of the "staggered story".
That is,

Rather than “because you think so, it will happen”
“I think so while watching it happen.

It has been replaced by

It's okay to use reality as a starting point, but it's too troublesome.

Because I have to try to make things work with him when things aren't going well.

Thinking about how to get in touch.

I was thinking about what I should do to make an appointment to meet.
Even if we meet, I wonder what I should do if I don't hear from you again.
Think about countermeasures for whether or not there will be contact.

You'll end up doing whatever you want.

That would also strengthen the ``crying that doesn't come true'' when you have to do various things while staring at the reality that things are not going well in the first place, so just leave all those troublesome things alone.

Don't get caught up in the past,
Don’t shy away from the past;
Ignoring the past,
Without any connection to the past,

I'm telling you to decide on your ``thoughts'' that ``I'm in love with him and I'm happy.

Because I start from something that is not good for me, that it hasn't come true, I keep going off track.
Rather, isn't it okay to be the person you already are?

Is there anyone against it?
In the end, you're the only one who's against it, right?

I think.

LoveSync Attraction  has a lot of people who seriously report getting back together.

I'm very grateful, but thisl that includes all of you.
There must be only people who can report the reunion lol
I think only people who can report their reunion will be able to gather together lol
So, please be the person who has already come true.

This video is also said from a different angle, so please refer to it.

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