
[Series: Your Questions – Part 20] If both she and I are using the power of the subconscious to think you are deeply in love with him, who will it work for, her or me?

In this series, we will answer questions from LoveSync Attraction blog readers and YouTube viewers by picking out the questions that we think will be helpful to many people. (The content of the question has been changed as appropriate to the extent that individuals are not identified)

Hello, this is Iruru. This question is one that comes up regularly, so I decided to address it.

It's about a time when the guy you liked also liked a girl other than yourself, and when that person was also tapping into their subconscious.


I want to reconcile with him, but there's another woman who also liked him. If both of us have learned how to use the power of the subconscious, firmly decided to be "deeply in love with him," and remained unwavering in our thoughts, skillfully bypassing any ego or anxiety, while also enjoying self-improvement and leading content, enjoyable lives every day, who would end up dating him in this scenario?

Which one will come true if both of you use your subconscious mind?

Realizing your desires with your subconscious mind isBecause you think so, it becomes so.


You think you are in love with him, so you arein love with him. It's a simple rule.

But, as you asked, if another woman subconsciously thought she was in love with him, what do you think would happen to me who wants to get back together?

What matters is who is thinking about it.

The realization of a subconscious desire is ``because I think so, so it will happen'', and the subject of this is ``myself''.

Because `You think that way,  you become that way.

Who thinks so?  is important.

So, even if someone other than you thinks this or that, that person is that person, and you are myself.

Only you can freely decide your thoughts, regardless of anyone else.
If you want to realize your desires subconsciously, all you have to do is decide what you want to achieve.

You think that’s what  you think! ?

So, what if another woman was using her subconscious mind?
Is she me or her? Unless she is someone who makes better use of her subconscious, will she be able to be in love with him?

That can't be true. However, if you think, ``She subconsciously thinks she's in love with him, so I guess she's going to be in love with him,'' then it might happen.

Because it's just "what I think." Because that's all.

Above all, I want you to realize that this question itself is a statement of your ego, not you. Because this question is about anxiety about something that hasn't happened yet, so there's no point in thinking about it.

To answer the ego's statement, even if she thinks so, it is her world and it has nothing to do with you.

Your world is your world. It's a world that you can freely create.

So, if there is something you want to achieve, just say, `Because you think so,  it becomesl happen''.

All you have to do is decide on your thoughts and be the way you are.

Having said that, there's only one of him, so you can only date one of them! There is no need to be pessimistic. Her world is her world, and my world is mine. They get along well with their respective boyfriends in their respective worlds.


Instead of splitting up into one person, each person sees the person they want to see. It may be easier to understand if you think of it as something like a so-called parallel world.

Just decide what you want to be

What if there is only one him, but two women take advantage of his subconscious at the same time! It is always the ego that tries to complicate things like this.

Subconscious wish fulfillment is really simple. It is just "I think so, so it will happen".

What if it is fun to think, "What would happen in this case?"

But if you are anxious and thinking about this and that, then I want you to stop thinking about it and just come back to the thought of yourself in love with him.

If you would like to see the video, please click here as well!

We have done two videos in the past that may answer this question.
You discuss them in detail with specific examples, so if you have not seen them, please do so here!

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