
【series24】 Q&A I want to reunion, so I’m praying at a reunion shrine, but is it better not to?

In this series, we will answer questions from LoveSync Attraction's blog readers, YouTube viewers, and Voicy viewers by picking out the questions that we think will be helpful to many people. Masu. (The content of the question has been changed as appropriate to the extent that individuals are not identified)

Hello, it's Iruru. This is the series where I answer your questions!

This time, we have a question from a listener on the voice-sharing platform Voicy. The theme for this episode is "Visiting shrines known for reunion." I believe many of you can relate to this topic.

Our question comes from N-san, who desires reconciliation and finds great comfort in visiting shrines known for their strong connection to reconciliation. On the other hand, they've been discussing with "Homeren" and have been reminded of the principle of wish fulfillment through the subconscious mind, "You become what you believe." This has raised some doubts about their shrine visits.

N: I want to reunion with him.

When I go to a shrine that is strong for getting back together and buy an amulet, I can feel very calm.

However, when I was watching the Houme♡Ren video, I started having doubts.

LoveSync Attraction's videos are what they are because they think so. If you think he's in love with him, you'll be in love with him. In that case,

She seems to be in a loving relationship, yet they visit a shrine. Therefore, it suggests that they visit a reconciliation shrine because they haven't reconciled, correct?

In this case, is it better to stop going to the Fukuen Shrine and instead go to the shrine where people pray for marriage, or should I choose not to go?

Iruru also often visited shrines.

If I already believe that I am in a loving relationship with him, why am I going to a shrine for reunion?

In other words, could it be because we haven't reconciled yet that I'm going to a shrine for reconciliation?

Should I stop going to a shrine for reconciliation and go to a shrine to pray for marriage, or should I choose not to go to a shrine at all?

N's question is quite profound.

My own experiences might be helpful in addressing this question, as I used to visit shrines quite often.

I used to go to shrines because I believed that they were a place to express my determination and gratitude rather than a place for making requests.

So, for a period of time, I would go to a shrine nearly every month at the beginning of the month. However, looking back now, I may have been somewhat dependent on the shrine during that time.

I would think, "I went to the shrine this month, so it should be okay," or I would feel down if things didn't go well despite visiting the shrine.

During that period, I would claim to have made a determination and set an intention for a loving relationship with him, but in reality, I hadn't achieved it yet, and going to the shrine might have even reinforced my belief that it wasn't going to happen.

It's OK if you feel like you can become the person you want to be!

How about N's situation? N mentioned that buying amulets and visiting the shrine for reconciliation brings them peace of mind, right?

If through these visits, N-san can become the version of themselves who has reconciled and achieved their desires, then I believe that's perfectly fine.

Because the law of the subconscious mind is, “Because I think so, it will happen.”

So, the most important thing is to "decide your thoughts." Once you can do that, all you have to do is choose actions that make you feel good.

If visiting a shrine is one of those actions, then please go ahead.

Shrines are often surrounded by lush greenery, and the historic buildings themselves have a solemn atmosphere. Visiting such a place can also be a great way to refresh your mood.

Once you've decided your thoughts, your work is done.

After that, I hope you can make choices that lighten your heart. If visiting a shrine helps with that, then why not go for it?

N-san, thank you for your wonderful question. Voicy is always open to your opinions and questions! May all your wishes come true! iruru♡

Check out the Voicy version of this blog where you can listen to the content in audio format!

You can listen to it here on Voicy!

Click here for a video where you can virtually visit Tokyo Daijingu Shrine, which is famous for love!

You can also listen to the content in audio format. Please check it out on Voicy here!

#20 「復縁したくて神社に行く」のは、「まだ、復縁してない」を強化する?

Click here for a video where you can virtually visit Tokyo Daijingu Shrine, which is famous for love!

LoveSync Attraction also makes videos on YouTube that allow you to virtually visit Tokyo Grand Shrine, which has a great reputation for being good for love. If you like shrines, please come!

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