
♡ You think so, so it has to be like that!?

We will pick up popular videos of "LoveSync Attraction" and videos that left an impression on us, and we will tell you again, including things that were not said in the videos.

Hello, this is Meguru.

This time's pick-up video is ``I think so, so it has to happen!?''♪
In this blog, I would like to dig deeper and tell you about it.

I can’t help but look at reality, but what should I do?

We receive a lot of consultations like this.

The subconscious mind says, ``Because I think so, it will happen''.
“When I think I’m in love with him, I end up being in love with him.”

It's such a simple world.

What appears to be blocking this simple world is "reality."


It was quite a while ago.
We're living in reality!
In real life, he dumped me and I tried to get back together but couldn't, but I still can't give up!
Do you understand this painful feeling?

Yes...I'm sorry.

However, "I think so" can be decided without regard to the current situation even one micron.

In short, when you say ``I think so,'' you are deciding how you want to be with him.

So, when you decide how you want to be, you can decide without regard to your current boyfriend, that is, your relationship with your real boyfriend.

Just what I thought happened!

Well, let me tell you this.

It's been a long time since I've said that it's okay to make decisions without regard to reality.

Just think about it in a normal way.

If you can't decide how to be unless you make a decision based on your current situation,

You can't experience anything beyond what you've experienced before, right?

I'm at home now. Do you think that living alone is difficult because of this reality?
I'm in Japan now. Do you think that traveling abroad is difficult because of this reality?
I'm a company employee now. Do you think, ``Because of this reality, I can't start a business''?

Putting money and other issues aside, what I want to say here is:
I live alone even if I stay at home! If so, you can do it.

Even if you are in Japan, you can go abroad if you get a ticket.

Start a business even if you are an office worker! That means you can start a business.
“That reality” is irrelevant, isn’t it?

I do it because I think I'll be living alone.
I think I'm going on a trip overseas, so I'm going.
Start a business because you want to start a business.

That's all there is to it.

One more.
The same goes for marriage.
There are people who are worried about whether they can marry the person they are interested in, and there are people who are worried because they can't find a marriage partner.

I'm single now. Is there anyone who would say, ``Marriage is difficult because of that reality''?

Can't get married because you're single?
You can't get married unless you're single, right?
I don't even know what you're saying anymore.


You can decide on your own thoughts (way of being), regardless of the reality.

I'm really curious about the reality.

Having said that, I'm still curious about the reality.

"I can't help but remember the big fight we had when we broke up."
“I can’t help but wonder about those words you said back then.”

A pattern of feeling depressed as the past flickers.


"He's got a new girlfriend."
"He has decided to be transferred."

A pattern of feeling depressed after hearing about the current situation.

Well, I understand that you are concerned about reality, but
Even so, you can freely decide your ``thoughts (way of being)'' regardless of ``the reality'' ^^

So, once you decide on your ``thoughts'', it just becomes that way. I think it's a very simple world.



Even if people say that it has nothing to do with reality, it really bothers me
Is that so? I understand how you feel, but you can freely decide what you think (how you want to be) without having to judge reality. What are your thoughts


My thoughts are, ``I have a mutual love for him and have always gotten along well with him.''[ /chat]



Isn't it good?
Oh, no. I understand that you can freely decide your thoughts (way of being). But even if I decide, I'm still worried about the reality.
Yes. I broke up with him after a big fight, and I still haven't heard from him.
Is that so? There are times when reality bothers me. But that reality doesn't matter

Even if they say it's not related, I can't help but think that it is.

It's amazing how parallel these two things are, but what do people who claim to be more concerned about reality keep insisting?
In a nutshell

I'm fine with this reality.

It's the same as saying.

I prefer this reality.

No matter how much you say, “It has nothing to do with reality,”
I can't ignore it, I can't ignore it, I can't help but worry about it.

You can think that you can’t make it unrelated, you don’t have to ignore it, you can care about it, but thoughts can be decided without regard to reality, right?
If you say like this,
But even if I make a decision without regard to reality, I can't ignore reality. I'm a failure. The hurdles are too high for me to make it.

What do you keep saying?

I'm fine with this reality.


It's not, "I'm fine with this reality."

I like this reality.

Of course, I don't feel like forcing myself on this at all.

After all, the subconscious mind says, ``Because I think so, it will happen.''
It's me who thinks so.
``I think so.''

No matter what Meguru says, in the end,

``When Meguru-san told me that, I thought it had nothing to do with reality, but I'm still curious about reality.''

You” “I think so”
Create the world that you think you want.

There is not even a single micron of room for intervention.

First of all, why do you care so much about this inconvenient reality?

Many people who are concerned about reality are concerned about their past or current boyfriend, but in most cases, it's something they don't like.
Maybe you had a big fight, cheated on you, or got a girlfriend.

Why do I have to bring out the reality that seems inconvenient to me every time?

One thing I can think of is

I got a girlfriend, I can't do it anymore.
If you want to take a hard look at the seemingly inconvenient reality and use it as a starting point to create a story about doing your best.

In a sense, this looks fun, like the main character in a drama.
Recommended for people who like roller coasters.

Huh? Stop it. I don't have any hobbies. I just want to hook up with him quickly."

If it's really true, wouldn't it be possible to break away from the reality that seems to be full of inconveniences?
I mean, it doesn't matter.
I don't have any experience with it.

Don't worry about reality in moderation, and give priority to the feeling of being in love with him!

You think so'' is just ``You think''.
In the end, don't forget that everything is ``you'', ``thinking'', and ``deciding''!

I think the video has a different perspective (maybe), so if you're interested, please check it out!

You think so, so it has to be like that!?

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