
♡ I will break free from the unchanged consciousness of “before the breakup” and “after the breakup,” starting from this moment!I’m grateful that over 600 people have already made a purchase!

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I'm grateful that over 600 people have already made a purchase!

「Manifesting unrequited love through the subconscious mind is a piece of cake!」

Hello, I'm Meguru.

Almost all of the people who break up with their boyfriends and want to get back together,

When we were dating, I wish I had enjoyed the days we spent together more."

That's what they are saying.

Then what about now?
What, now?
Yes, it's now.
Well, I'm currently separated from him, so...
No, it's not.

It doesn't matter if he's there or not.

When he was there and when he wasn't. In the end, is it fair to say that 'consciousness remains the same'

That's what I want to ask. This is a discovery!

When we were dating, I kept collecting evidence that he didn't love me.

When we were dating, if I noticed that he was spending more time on his smartphone than usual,

“What? You don't love me anymore?"
“By any chance, are you tired of it already?”
"We haven't been dating for that long, so isn't this going to work out?"

Like this,many people tend to interpret it negatively without any valid reason, right?

When you feel like I'm speaking less than usual,
When you thought that LINE replies were slow,
When you are busy with work and can't see each other as much as before,
And so on...

If you catch a glimpse of "behavior from him that isn't good for you," you'll pick it up right away.

Don't forcefully pull out "words and actions that are not good for you.


You started to worry, “Maybe he doesn't care about me anymore.”
“Maybe he found someone he was interested in?”

"Now that I think about it, I feel like I've been drinking more than before lately."
“No way, that’s the favorite!?”

Once you start reacting to reactions, it just doesn't stop, does it?

Isn't it already bad?
Isn't it impossible now?
Why did this happen?

When the ego switch is turned on like this, even when I see him smiling, doubts start to flood in, like, "Does he really like me?"

The time you spent with him was spent desperately trying to "gather evidence that he doesn't love me and many people end up thinking, "I didn't enjoy this time together. What was I even doing?"

Even after the breakup, many people continue to gather "proof that they don't like me" relentlessly.

Now that we've broken up...

Suppose you hear a rumor saying, ``It looks like he's got a girlfriend.

"Why? Am I the only one who still wants to get back together?"

"It hasn't been that long since we broke up. Did you really not care about me?"

"Why did things turn out like this?"

Like this, as soon as I heard about the current situation that ``he might have a girlfriend'',many people tend to dash straight towards the negative side of things.


When you haven't messaged him for a while and he responds indifferently, when you see him having fun on social media, when you find out he's moving far away due to work or relocation, and so on...

In any case, whenever you spot a hint of "behavior that's not good for me" regarding him, I immediately pick it up.

You forcibly pull out those "behaviors that aren't good for me" and start worrying, thinking, "He never sent such indifferent messages when we were together.


“He is really becomes something he doesn't care about. me.
“I want to be friends again, so I think I’m in love with him!”
"Why isn't it just me that doesn't work?"

When you start reacting and piling up reactions upon reactions, it becomes unstoppable, doesn't it? It just doesn't stop.

Isn't it already bad?
Isn't it impossible now?
Why did this happen?

When the ego switch turns on like this, feelings of insecurity and impatience rush in, with thoughts like, "Why only me?" or "I'm probably not good enough anyway..."


Even at this very moment, now that we've broken up, You are desperately trying to "gather evidence that he doesn't love you"

Before the breakup and even now after it, you consciousness hasn't changed at all. This realization is shocking!

Did you understand?

Even when you were dating him and now that you have broken up, you can almost say that your mindset is exactly the same. You are shocked. After all, not one bit had actually changed.

The subconscious mind says, ``Because you think so, it will happen.''
Applying this to love, you can say, ``I think I'm in love with him, so I'm in love with him.''

In LoveSync Attraction,

Yes, it's something that has been mentioned multiple times in the videos, so it's quite familiar, right?


You decided to be lovey-dovey with him. However, the reality hasn't changed.

You get a lot of advice like this, but please reread what I said earlier.

Were you gathering evidence that he doesn't like you?

You picks up all the bits and pieces of ``words and deeds that aren't good for your'' about him, locks onto the ``self that doesn't work out,'' and just runs down that path...

Can you truly say 'I'm lovey-dovey with him'?"

I repeat many times but,I believe that many people think that  they wish they had enjoyed the days when they were together more.

I mean that

・You should have enjoyed the moment more.
・You wish you could have tasted more of the two of you now.


In spte of that,now, just like when you were dating, you find youself getting anxious and worried about his actions in reality, wondering what to do and how to handle it.

Isn't it because he's not next to you now?
That's an excuse.

Because even when he was next to me, even now when he's not around, I just do the same thing.

So, right now, this very moment, make the commitment to genuinely stick to your "thoughts.

・You should have enjoyed the moment more.
・You wish you could have tasted more of the two of you now.

You thought that so much, why aren't you doing it now? Right now, in this moment, start enjoying and savoring your days.

You will end the lack of lack even with him, and the lack of lack even without him, from now on. clearly.

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