
Series: Questions from Everyone Part 17] I like the doctor at the hospital, but I don’t have the confidence to date him. (Successful love with someone you think is not worthy of you)

I've fallen for someone, but they are a teacher, and I am a patient. Or perhaps a hairstylist and a client. A school teacher and a student...

In these relationships, I often find myself thinking that I'm not worthy of them due to the respect I have for their positions.

Today, I want to share a story from someone in such a situation who has come to seek advice.


I've developed feelings for a doctor at the hospital I visit. However, the doctor is, well, a medical professional.

I'm not the person who is fit in such  a great guy  andIt sounds like you're just one of many patients, right? I don't even know if the doctor is married or not, and I don't have the confidence to start a relationship. The hospital also has many beautiful assistants. I can't imagine being alone with the doctor, and it's causing me distress, so...I even think that I stop going there.

Is the person I love more amazing than me!?

We often hear from people who have fallen in love with someone other than the hospital, such as the staff at a beauty salon or the teacher at the hobby school they attend.

Especially when you are the one who is paying for something to be done or taught, you tend to feel that the other person is superior to you, and like Mr. Some people seem to feel that it doesn't suit them.

I think this is a different way of thinking for each person, but personally, I don't think there is a hierarchy when you go to a hospital for treatment.

Of course, I'm not a doctor, nor can I, nor do I want to be one. So, I'm grateful that he cured me, and I have a lot of respect for doctors who have studied a lot, obtained their medical license, and gained experience before opening their own practices. However, I do not believe that there is a hierarchical relationship.

LoveSync Attraction is the same. I'm the sender and I'm in a position to answer questions, but I don't think I'm in a higher position than you who are reading this. I'm not a hermit or a god, so I don't have an ego, and in that sense, I think I'm the same as everyone reading this, or rather, I'm an equal.

It feels like I'm setting the person I like as being "above" me and deciding that it's "unlikely (or difficult) to make it happen" all by myself.


There's a video as avobe that precisely addresses this situation. If anyone hasn't seen it yet, I would definitely recommend checking it out.

Thinking that the other person is above me is my own ego.

I think it's a wonderful thing when the person you like is someone you have a lot of respect for.

But I don't think that has anything to do with you not being worth it. If you feel that way, it's just your ego, so it's okay to ignore it.

I'll tell you a little bit about myself here.

What kind of self would I consider as amazing?

In the past, I used to think that I needed a good reason to be respected. for example,

・Because they're a doctor Because they earn **** million annually Because they've won awards**** ・Because they're wealthy Because they graduated from a prestigious university Because they can speak English

・Because they're skilled at sports Because they work for a great company Because they've started their own business


That person can do something, has some experience, so they are amazing. I can't do that, so I'm not amazing. Therefore, that person is above me...

There was a time when I used to think like that and had a very low self-esteem. I had little confidence in myself, and I believed that confidence came from achieving something or being successful.

However, I've come to realize that confidence isn't something that necessarily comes from accomplishments or success.

It's simply about believing in yourself and being okay with who you are. Even if you feel like you have nothing, you're still you, and it's perfectly fine to have confidence in that.

I personally held onto the belief that confidence was something you gained after achieving something for a long time, so it took me a while to accept this perspective.


So, if it doesn't resonate with you right away, there's no need to force yourself to believe it. Just take it in if it feels right for you.

Regardless of who the other person is, just think that way.

Let's get back to the question.

The idea that I'm not good enough for someone is not even a possibility. In fact, it doesn't matter who the other person is when it comes to manifestation through the subconscious mind.

No matter who the other person is, the process remains the same. Manifesting through the subconscious mind is simply about thinking, "Because I think this way, it will happen." It's as simple as thinking, "I'm in a loving relationship with him, so I will be in a loving relationship with him." That's all there is to it.

It doesn't matter if the person is a doctor, a celebrity, a hairstylist, or the chef at your favorite restaurant.

None of that matters. Just decide to be the loving and loved self with that person. If you hear voices in your head saying, "They'll never notice someone like you!" that's just your ego. Ignore it and try being the version of yourself that's in a loving relationship!

With love, Iruru♡


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