
Magical words that will lead you to your true self: “I never thought I would become ◯◯ so quickly!

Hello!I'm Iruru.

The other day, I uploaded a movie 『The magic words to help oneself in times of need.』on YouTube.

When it's tough and challenging, that's when you should speak comforting words to yourself.

Among the messages I conveyed is that when you are filled with ego or anxiety, it' the story how he transformed me from my ego and anxiety to what I achieved by the pherase「I never thought I would become ◯◯ so quickly」

These words had a huge impact. We would like to introduce some excerpts from the comments we received.


I didn't expect it to come true this quickly, and it feels incredibly fitting. It happened even faster than I thought! So, maybe it's less prone to ego?
You try to think that you didn't think I'd be able to marry her this soon.


I never thought it would be so easy to get married and be loved so easily.🤤🌷
I can continue to be the person who has already achieved it, right? I'll add it to my power words! ♩


I've been using affirmations recently when I think of them, but I'm considering incorporating this one!♪
I never thought I would be able to live with him so much so quickly~I'm so happy~!
I'm being excited🥰


It's amazing! I never thought it would come true so quickly!😆
The feeling of joy and surprise is like jumping, and it makes me more excited than just saying "it's already achieved." To give an example, it's like the scene where Cinderella, enchanted by magic, says, "I didn't expect to go to the ball ♥."


I never thought I would find a cool, kind, loving, and perfect boyfriend so quickly!
I also never thought that I could turn what I love into a job and earn so much money so quickly! ⸜( ˶'ᵕ'˶) ⸝


「I didn't think it would come true so quickly‼️」
I found a word that gets you excited💗


I didn't think we could get back together so quickly! I'm excited


In this way, there were many people who thought, "I think I can do this too!", so I would like to add some information on this blog. Here is the video from the other day. please check it!

Affirmations didn't work well for me.

As I encountered the subconscious mind and the law of attraction, and learned about various methods, one of the methods I felt I couldn't do well was「affamation」.

"At the time, I read various books and attended self-improvement seminars extensively, and during those times, 'affirmations' were introduced as a convenient method.

Affirmations, which come from the English word 'affirmation,' mean 'positive statements.' In reality, the word is used Saying  positive words to yourself.

In seminars and such, I was taught that by repeating positive words and phrases, they would gradually become your reality and come true.

When delivering these affirmations, it was emphasized that it's crucial to fully embody the feeling of already having achieved what you desire.

Therefore, the suggested format for affirmations was not to say, "I want to [do something]" but rather to say, "I am [doing something]" or use the past tense, "I have [done something]."

However, due to my strong ego and tendency to resist, I struggled with this approach. For instance, if I declared, "I am in a loving relationship with him!" my ego would immediately respond with thoughts like, "What are you talking about? He still has me blocked, and we haven't even exchanged messages. There's no way this is happening." Or if I said, "I am married to him!" my ego would chime in with, "He might end up marrying his current girlfriend." These egoic whispers became increasingly strong with each affirmation, making me feel uneasy, and I eventually gave up on the practice.


Desires come true in the subconscious mind: Because you think so, it becomes so.'' Be the way you want to be.

However, while participating in various seminars,

I've come across affirmations that end with

I didn't expect such a situation! and it made me think, "Oh, maybe I can do this too?"

In my case, I tried to change the phrase "I never thought it would turn out like this!" into "I never thought I'd be able to do this so quickly!"

For example, if you want to get back together but don't think you can get back together based on your current situation, you can change your phrase to ``I didn't think we could get back together this quickly!'' Even if you don't really feel like it right now, , don't you think it will be accepted easily? From my point of view, I feel like I can look at myself now and say, ``At that time, I never thought this would come true.''

Not only in love but also in attracting money, when you think, ``I want to become rich,'' but looking at your current situation, you don't think ``I can become rich.'' If you change it to something like, ``I never thought I'd be able to travel to any place I want with the people I want!'', I think you'll be able to accept it even if you don't have any money right now. I have written about money in my past blogs, so please read them.

Can you become rich with the subconscious law 'What you think, you become'? [Practical Experience]Hello, it's Iruru. LoveSync Attraction usually focuses on love and r...

Every time I said those words, I experienced the emotions of my fulfilled self.

Looking back now, I realize that when I said, ``I never thought I would earn ◯◯ yen a month so quickly,'' I was feeling like I had already achieved that goal.

When it comes to realizing your desires subconsciously, it's like, ``Because I think so, it will happen.''

In short, I think I was in a state where I was doing ``I think so, so it becomes that way,'' and I was in the state of my being that had come true.

However, even if you say in words, ``I never thought I would reach ◯◯ million in monthly income so quickly,'' if you only focus on ``I still haven't made ◯◯ million in monthly income,'' you won't be where you want to be. I think it might not have been possible.

「I didn't expect to become so quickly!」

If there is anyone who would like to use this expression, be yourself! I want you to take this into consideration.

The realization of desires through the subconscious mind is based on the idea that "what you think, you become.

All you need to do is just be yourself as much as you really want to be.

For those who would like to read a variety of books to deepen their understanding, be sure to check out our article summarizing recommended books on the subconscious mind and attraction!



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